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The mod includes a simple character interaction that can be used to give a nickname to any character (including player characters) that is within diplomatic range and has at least two adult personality traits. Any existing nickname is not an obstacle either, because it’s deleted by the event triggered by the interaction. It can be used at any time, with any frequency and has no Prestige (or whatever) cost.
The interaction triggers an event that can nick the target character from five different perspectives based on their characteristics.
Personality traits. This option pairs the target personality traits and associates a nickname with each pair (combination). For example, if a target is Brave, Cynical, and Wrathful, then the possible nicknames are Free Thinker (Cynical and Brave); Blasphemous (Cynical and Wrathful) and Fierce (Brave and Wrathful). In an average case (3 personality traits), this means 3 possible nicknames, each with a one-third random chance of getting it.
The current 37 personality traits give 576 combinations, of which roughly 450 have separate names, in other cases the target is given the name of the more typical personality trait (f.e. Just and Patient/Impatient/Temperate simply gives Just).
A few examples:
Zealous, Generous and Diligent = Almsgiver (Zealous + Generous), Missionizer (Zealous + Diligent) and Benefactor (Diligent + Generous).
Ambitious, Deceitful and Arrogant = Turncoat (Ambitious + Deceitful), Second-to-none (Ambitious + Arrogant) and Vainglorious (Deceitful + Arrogant).
Gregarious, Sadistic and Stubborn = Horsefly (Sadistic + Stubborn), Wasp-tongued (Gregarious + Sadistic) and Tenacious (Gregarious and Stubborn).
Callous, Just and Honest = Strict (Callous + Honest), Uncorruptible (Just + Honest) and Blunt (Callous and Honest).
Visible traits. Most of them are not very surprising (such as Blind, Lame, Fat, Leper, Dwarf, Scarred, Stammerer, Mad, Hideous, Hale) and there some less frequent variations (Mishappen, Cripple, Pumpkin, Cyclops, Pockmarked, Toad, Beautiful Rose…)
The way of life. This option is based on normal lifestyle traits (Diplomat, Strategist...), levelled lifestyle traits (Blademaster, Physician...), coping mechanism (Drunkard, Confider...), infamous traits (Murderer, Fornicator...) and their combinations. A few examples besides the obvious ones: Military Genius, Usurer, Shadow, Dreadful, Succubus, Monstrous, Nightingale, Venerable, Fiendish, Devil Rider, Heavy Drinker, Atheist, Gourmet, Hamster, Penitent, Anatomist, Riotous, Great Devourer, Friend of Beggars etc.
Something very remarkable. This option based on various and mixed trait-triggers from the former options. Most of the possible nicknames refer to very special characteristics, so none of them is very common. A few examples: Viper, Imp, Hermit, Vagabond, Immortal, Angel on Earth, Exorcist, Cockroach, Unpeaceful, Grey Eminence, Allower, Lamb, Bookish, Thorn, Old Turtle, Puppeteer, Thunderbolt, Black Sheep, Simple, Valkyr, Armchair Ruler, Ox, Bloody Rose, She-wolf.
Events of her/his life. This option is based on the character modifiers, flags and variables which the target may receive from events. Few examples: the Apostate (from conversion), the Rejected (rejected_from_marriage_bed_modifier), the Batman (lunatic_bat_ravings_modifier), the Cook (amateur_cook_modifier), the Haunted (seeing_dead_people_modifier), the Whale Hunter (had_event_fp1_yearly_0651 flag), the Lawgiver (tribal/crown_authority_cooldown flag), the Plague Survivor (disease_immunity_bubonic_plague flag), the Peasant (peasant_faction_random_peasant flag), the Friend of Rats (Prison pet flag/modifier), Ancestors’ Shame (culture conversion flag), Sword Master (var:signature_weapon = flag:sword + high Prowess).
A surprise - as its name suggests it gives a semi-randomised nickname.
New feature with - nickname based on cultural or religious characteristics. It makes sense if someone is a foreigner in a court. Example: Bow-legged nickname can be given to any target with Horse Breeder cultural tradition and more than one leg.
I’ve changed my mind. Finally, the last option is to step back without choosing any of the options above.
The mod is quite small: a character interaction, an event and a nickname file + localization. Nothing more, so it probably works well with most of the other mods. It uses separate modding files so it works even when it's not updated.
vv7 - Released 2022-07-21
vv6 - Released 2022-04-07
vv5 - Released 2022-03-06
vv4 - Released 2022-03-04
vv3 - Released 2021-06-25
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