VIP Tracker





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VIP Tracker


This mod is Below & Beyond compatible (both base game and/or with expansions).


This mod enables you to mark individual colonists as ones that you wish to track. These colonists are given a Quirk called "VIP" so that they can be listed in the Colony Command Center colonist filters. Double-clicking on a colonist in this colonist list will zoom you to where they are.


VIP Tracker keeps a log of VIP colonists' life changes, recording events such as moving to a new Dome, graduating University, getting older, and changing job.


When a VIP dies, the mod keeps track of their age at death, the Sol they died, and what their cause of death was. A notification is popped up that allows you to zoom to the dead VIP.


When a VIP boards a rocket to return to Earth, the mod keeps track of their age at time of boarding and the Sol that they boarded the rocket. A notification is popped up that allows you to cycle through the names of VIPs that are leaving Mars.


Two new options are added to the Colony Command Center. The first option - "VIP Activity Log" - provides the ongoing record of events in the lives of VIPs. The second option - "Departed VIPs" - provides a record of the VIPs that have either died or returned to Earth.




The original idea for this mod came from CheTranqui with the mod "Neighbourhood Watch". VIP Tracker is a complete rewrite of the ideas from "Neighbourhood Watch" made with CheTranqui's blessing.


Other people that helped with working out how to make parts of the mod work include ChoGGi and SkiRich, plus others in the Surviving Mars Modding Discord.


Source and Bug Reports

VIP Tracker has also been published

and to NexusMods


v20 - Released 2021-09-12

Update to Below & Beyond - fix notifications & Colony Command Centre screens.

v19 - Released 2021-09-11

Updated compatibility for Below & Beyond (base game and/or with expansions)

v5 - Released 2019-03-31

More XBox Testing

v4 - Released 2019-03-31

First upload to Paradox Mods

v3 - Released 2019-03-29

Re-upload to Paradox Mods to (attempt to) deal with XTemplates issue. WARNING: May have issue with Colony Control Center if ChoGGi's ECM mod is active - still in testing.

v2 - Released 2019-03-29

Add appropriate VIP event logging for SkiRich's IA mod.


Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

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