Full Below and Beyond





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Enter Game Rule Full Below and Beyond. Do you want to hide underground and take all the most valuable things there? Organize an eternal backup site with living colonists on an asteroid? Build underground domes and asteroid mining buildings right on the surface? All this is in this mod. All this will come in handy if you play for example with such mods as Play All Mysteries from ChoGGi where you are always attacked by misfortunes.


v2 - Released 2022-04-11

Underground construction allowed Wonders: Mohole mine Project morpheus Omega telescope Space elevator Artificial sun The excavator Infrastructure and other buildings: Tunnel Farm Hydroponic farm Recon Center Moisture Vaporator Medium Dome Basic Dome Micro-G Auto Extractor Large wind turbine Wind turbine Surface construction allowed: Micro-G Auto Extractor Underground dome Underground micro dome Underground Medium Dome Building on an asteroid allowed: Stirling Generator Advanced Stirling Generator Moisture Vaporator Landing Pad Triboelectric Scrubber MOXIE Fungal farm Recon Center Technologies included. Some maps may be missing some caves, but the benefits will still be with you: Crystal replication Underground Medium Dome Improved Spiers Prefab-Refab Capture Asteroid Forever Young Global Support Requirements Relevant technology discoveries, as well as sponsor approvals. For you to have permission, for example, to the Advanced Stirling Generator, you need to study the Global Support breakthrough (included in the game rule). All DLCs are also required. Bonus. Simplifies life a lot. Play with care. Harvest for Hydroponic Farm: Chocolate, Boosts morale, produces oxygen Chamomile tea, Increases health under the dome, produces oxygen Energy drink, Restores Sanity, produces oxygen Funding 3,000,000 Boost research Breakthroughs + 70%. Good for the Omega Unlocks All mod by ChoGGi


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