Tech Mex





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Tech Mex

Depend on Green Planet, Space Race and Project Lajka DLC

Wanted to have some more late game, at the time terraforming was 100% all techs was long gone researched. I have used Extended Research Pack to make it a little more fun, but its not been updated since early 2018. So I decided to make something myself with the help of reverce engineering and so on, something big, that will realy make my games long and fun.

This massive package consists of:

116 Techs
40 Buildings
4 Seed for Farming
1 New Tech Tree

Also probably some bugs, so if you find any please tell me so I can fix them.

Here is the Techlist of the techs can't add details because of text limit:

T. Self Growing Terraforming
T. Autonomous Forest Planter
T. G.E.C.K
T. Automated Seed Farm
T. Dust Clouds
T. Living Doom
T. Planetary Expansion
T. Urban Heat Island Effect
T. Greenskins of Mars
T. Terraforming Ponds
T. Volcanic Stimulation Protocol
T. Biochemical Plant
T. Electromagnetic Refraction
T. Hydrosphere
T. Future Tech

B. Xenoarchaeology
B. Gene Splicing
B. Small Temple
B. Advance Composting
B. Wastewater Recycling
B. Algae Cafe
B. Robotic Farms
B. Astrobiology Subterranean Farms
B. Indoor Hydrosphere
B. Resource Plants
B. Grown Meat
B. Animal Cloning
B. Hydroponic Gardens
B. Future Tech

E. Vantablack
E. Ultra-G Hydrosynthesis
E. Cosy Domes
E. Doom Outpost
E. Quantum Computer
E. Nano Miniaturization
E. Tectonic Engineering
E. Evolving Technologies
E. Metamaterials
E. Superscalar Construction
E. Living Materials
E. Waste Rock Smelting
E. Micro Machines
E. Future Tech

R. Unified Field Theory
R. Dust Away
R. Singularity Mechanics
R. Pre-Sentient Algorithms
R. Weak AI
R. Tetris Robotics
R. Fast Charge
R. Servomachinery
R. Prefav Delivery Service
R. Surface Drill Rigs
R. Forth Law
R. Self-Aware Machines
R. Public Transport
R. Future Tech

P. Matter Compression
P. Better Restock
P. Superconductor
P. Super Tensile Solids
P. Monopole Magnets
P. Tachyon Physiscs
P. Directed-energy Weapon
P. Silksteel Alloys
P. Quantum Power
P. Anti-matter Fission
P. Advance Spaceflight
P. Rare Metal Batteries
P. Deep Percolation
P. Future Tech

S. Nonlinar Matematics
S. Military Tactics
S. Sentient Econometrics
S. Cyberethics
S. Research Union
S. Intellectual Integrity
S. More Sponsor Research
S. Space Tourism
S. Better Outsource
S. Polymorphic Software
S. Planetary Economics
S. Laser LED
S. Ethical Calculus
S. Automatic Drink Blender
S. Future Tech

SoL. Blingtron 6000
SoL. Falling Star
SoL. Sir Hammerlock
SoL. Atlantis
SoL. Pokemon
SoL. Marsworms
SoL. Tree of Life
SoL. Silence of the Goats
SoL. Teemo
SoL. Ironclad
SoL. Relics From The Past
SoL. Martian News Network
SoL. Headless Stoneman
SoL. Starlight
SoL. Yellow Lemon Tree
SoL. In Space No One Can Hear You Sleep
SoL. Matrix
SoL. Space Cricket
SoL. Pinata
SoL. Space Pirates
SoL. Elon Crusoe
SoL. Halo
SoL. Dreamhack
SoL. Marsvision Song Contest
SoL. Solar Flare
SoL. Neptune 5
SoL. Hal 9000
SoL. Genie in a Bottle
SoL. Marshopper

v48 - Released 2021-11-10
No change just reuploaded to see if it solves issues with the build menu that I cant find myself when playing with only this mod active.
v47 - Released 2021-10-15
Removed attachment on Small Temple because visual error. Boosted Halo Sun output to 200 Fixed City Lakes being to deep, now emit 0.02% down from 0.1%
v46 - Released 2021-09-12
Updated some hightlight text for building techs
v45 - Released 2021-09-11
Solved issue with GEEK not granting prefab Self Growing Terraforming Plant and cousing UI error
v44 - Released 2021-09-11
Changed buildbar icon for matrix building, so its easier for find under Habitat
v43 - Released 2021-09-09
Fixed Planetary Expansion so it grants prefab Jumper Shuttle instead of regular shuttle hub, also the building is unlocked by the technology.
v42 - Released 2021-09-07
Updated to be accepted after new patch, can't see any issues, but if there are any, plz tell me.
v41 - Released 2021-08-20
Taco Fel hadnt made any covid adjustments and keept people for to long in closed spaces, visiting hours down from 5h to 2h. Promethium Plant technology got lost in a domestic fire, to solve the crisis, Biochemical Plants have been made avalible. Producing the same amout of fuel and polymer, but produce no waste rock and consumes seeds. (issue with the mini bluescreen of death is resolved)
v40 - Released 2021-06-11
Updated techlist in desciption
v39 - Released 2021-06-11
Fixed terraforming tech "Self Growing Terraforming" not showing info bar.
v38 - Released 2021-05-18
Added link to discord for bug reports and feedback
v37 - Released 2021-05-01
Updated visual for volcano wonder
v36 - Released 2021-04-29
Moved most of the trickortreat techs to slice of life and removed the trickortreat tech tree Added new tech in Terraforming - G.E.C.K. Grants some various terraforming prefabs, incl one prototype Self Grown Terraforming Plant. Added new tech in Breakthrough - Self Grown Terraforming unlocks Self Grown Terraforming Plant a better version of the forestation plant, consume food instead of seeds, no maintnence, no power consumption and produce 5 times as much veg/sol.
v35 - Released 2021-04-20
Updated mod logo
v34 - Released 2021-04-20
Added new Social Tech; Space Tourism, adds new buildings that increase satisfaction, Tourist Trap(consume rare metals), Taco Fel, also a Luxury Gift Factory that produce rare metals from waste rock (needs workforce) requested by Xoyv Added new Terraforming Tech; Greenskins of Mars, adds new building Green Mars Enterprise, needs workforce (consume Seeds for vegetation)
v33 - Released 2021-04-20
Changed Promethium Liquefaction Plant to need workforce, Geologist as specialists.
v32 - Released 2021-03-30
To much water in the City Lake fixed...
v31 - Released 2021-03-29
Fixed City Lake not increasing water
v30 - Released 2021-03-27
Added two new techs, Biotech - Advance Composting -15% waterconsumption in farms, Terraforming - Volcanic Stimulation Protocol - Unlock new Wonder Artificial Volcano - increase atmosphere per sol +2% also provide heat in close vicinity. Working on a better visual for the volcano.
v29 - Released 2021-03-21
Updated info text on automated techs, so that people get hints on how to activate the automation.
v28 - Released 2021-03-15
Fixed Resource plants having no icon.
v27 - Released 2021-02-15
Added new Tech Resource Plants - Adds three new Seeds that produce resources.
v26 - Released 2021-02-15
Changed tech Polymorphic Software, now reduce cost on probes with addional 25% Changed tech NanoMinistralization, now unlocks upgrades to Basic Constructor Lowered building cost and upgrade cost on Basic Constructor to 15, but it needs more power upped to 20 Added new tech in Robotics - Surface Drill Rigs - unlocks RC Surface Drill slightly more expensive than russian
v25 - Released 2021-02-03
Basic Constructor can now be upgraded two times for extra output
v24 - Released 2021-01-31
Fixed visual on Algae Cafe, algae was floating without permission
v23 - Released 2021-01-21
Minor fixes Also forgot to stow away Wasterock Refinery in the technological maze.
v22 - Released 2021-01-20
Minor fixes Forgot to stow away Promethium Liquefaction Plant in the technological maze
v21 - Released 2021-01-17
Minor fixes Metals Refinery been on vaccation and is now back in build meny Conflict with Mohole Mine has been resolved. Waste Rock Extractor Building and Tech has been replaced with Promethium Liquefaction tech and Promethium Liquefaction Plant Promethium Liquefaction Plant produce large amounts of fuel, in the process also produce polymer and waste rock. Consume machine parts.
v20 - Released 2021-01-08
Some changes and fixes <br> <br> Atlantis is in the right techtree. <br> <br> Trick or Treat Tree has been split into two techtrees Slice of Life and Trick or Treat. <br> Slice of Life consist of only positive techs that appear in random order from game to game and can be researched from start at a higher RP cost. <br> Trick or Treat is now locked behind a Game Rule, that will unlock an repeatable tech that will in turn unlock random Trick or Treats.
v19 - Released 2021-01-04
Minor fixes and balances of techs and buildings Miniscrubber nerfed a little more, from 2h charge to 5h. TaxOffice lower workforce to 3 people and -5 dome comfort Yellow Lemon Tree provides services relaxation, exercice, free food, but consume 1 water and lowers dome comfort -5 Fixed tech Ironclad not working Outdoor farm cost more to build 10 concrete, 10 metals, 5 polymer
v18 - Released 2021-01-02
Minor balancing of techs Added new building - Greenhouse Farm - Outside building like the Open Pasture but for farming as with the dome farm, needs power apart from water. Feelt strange that colonist know how to keep cattle at sol 1 but farms needs tech, meaby its harder to have indome farm? So I decided to let people have a outdoor farm they can build at sol 1.
v17 - Released 2020-12-29
Minor fixes Nuclear heater now consume fuel and will not be OP in Cold Waves Day of the Dead is in the right techtree New Techtree a little less expensive in the beginning
v16 - Released 2020-12-28
Major Update. Almost all old buildings have been visual updated. The techtree from my mod Trick or Treat had been added (36 techs and 14 buildings), but as stand alone, researchable like all the other trees. Techs will appear random from play to play. Will start at a bigger techs price but will be as expensive as the other techtrees later on.
v15 - Released 2020-11-30
Added new early tech in social tree, Research Union, repeatable research that gives +1% research boost in all techfields, to make late game less of an hassle, but not to op in early game.
v14 - Released 2020-11-30
Added new early tech in social tree, Research Union, repeatable research that gives +3% research boost in all techfields, to make late game less of an hassle, but not to op in early game. Moved small temple to biotech tree to even out the techtrees a little. Remade More Planetary Surveys (not working) - Planetary Expansion, now grants one free shuttle hub prefab, also moved it to early game
v13 - Released 2020-11-27
Fixed tech Deep Percolation not having any explanation text what it does. Added new early tech Dust Away - Unlocks new building Mini Scrubber - A fragile scrubber, takes double the time to charge, consume more power, but do the job otherwise.
v12 - Released 2020-10-16
All future tech are now repeatable after suggestion by LST Theunknown
v11 - Released 2020-10-01
Fixed all code that had disapeard :S now many modify mods should work again
v10 - Released 2020-09-19
Fixed Waste Rock Water Plant being shown without research...
v9 - Released 2020-09-19
new seed not working with tech fixed
v8 - Released 2020-09-13
New building - Waste Rock Water Plant - consume waste rock to produce water (works in duststorms and is not a wonder)
v7 - Released 2020-09-12
More Sponsor Research was grouped as breakthrough instead of social, fixed
v6 - Released 2020-09-10
Removed waterworld wonder, research replaced with +50% production on water extractors because of conflict that resulted in research tab and resource tab being stuck
v5 - Released 2020-09-09
Changed Prefab delivery service prefab from Mega Trigon to Diamond Dome so more people can experience at least one such dome in there playtime.
v4 - Released 2020-09-01
Fixing text for paradox
v3 - Released 2020-09-01
Updated DLC dependency for paradox
v2 - Released 2020-08-29
Forgot Tags again xD


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