Early Underground





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[h1] Read first! [/h1] Make sure not to activate this mod while playing an old save game, as [b]it will irreversibly change parameters of that save that cannot be undone.[/b] Likewise, if you start a new game with this mod and then turn it off, the save will not behave correctly. [h1] ...now back to the mod [/h1] I really like the concept of exploring the Martian underground and mining asteroids, but don't really like how it was implemented in the game - I can't see the point of building underground when, by the time you can actually do so, expanding the colony on the surface is easier and more beneficial. [b]This mod aims to change the underground from a late-game mechanic to an early-game mechanic, by making the underground a better early option due to less resource requirements and the absence of disasters.[/b] To achieve that, here is what it does: [*]Underground buildings do not require any exotic minerals for construction or maintenance. [*]Underground domes are unlocked from the start. The Underground Dome Construction tech unlocks the Medium Underground Dome. [*]Surface domes have higher consumption of resources, which improve as the planet gets terraformed. Temperature affects energy consumption; Atmosphere affects oxygen consumption; Water affects, well, water consumption; and Vegetation affects maintenance rate. [*]The technologies in the Recon and Expansion tree cost the same as the regular tech tree and is rearranged to allow better underground progression and earlier asteroid exploration. [*]Exotic minerals are required for the construction and maintenance of more advanced buildings on the surface of Mars. All Wonders require exotic minerals for construction as well. [*]The Recon Centre is a little cheaper to build and requires less resources for maintenance to allow for use in earlier stages. However it is also a little less efficient. [*]Moisture Vaporators and Fungal Farms can be built underground, while Farms cannot. [*]Two new buildings (Biomass Plant and Geothermal Generator) are available to help provide more options for producing energy underground in the early stages. [/LIST] The mod also adds a new Commander Profile and a Game Rule: [b]Cave Dweller Commander:[/b] - Bonus Prefabs: 3x Stirling Generators - Colonists take less Sanity damage from lack of sunlight - Bonus Tech: Underground Dome Construction (Allow construction of Medium Underground Dome) [b]Panic! Game Rule:[/b] - Colonists take extra sanity damage from disasters [b]Big shoutout to the folks from the Modding Discord who helped with some of the code for this mod![/b]


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