2577 Subscribers
This mod requires my lib mod (ChoGGi's Library).
If you get a disabled content restrictions error: It's on Paradox to review/restore it (bug them not me).
If you have any issues with this mod then please send me a bug report instead of reporting the mod.
Adds button to quickly finish growing current crop, as well as mod options to reduce failure/improve yields.
Mod Options:
Crops Never Fail: Crops will never fail no matter the conditions (you'll get a random yield amount instead of failing).
Constant Soil Quality: Soil quality will always be this amount (0 to disable).
Mech Farming: Workers not needed.
Mech Performance: How much performance each farm does without fleshbags.
Applying mod options will toggle working state on farms, crops might fail?
v5 - Released 2021-09-21
v4 - Released 2021-09-07
v3 - Released 2021-03-18
v2 - Released 2021-03-16
Surviving Mars
Full game