Sponsor - Scotland Release 0.1





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Small nations can still achieve great things and if you fancy taking on this challenge with a bunch of hardy Scottish folk, already acclimatised to the cold, then raise a glass for Scotland as the right sponsor for you! It's not easy working on a tight budget (you need to be 'careful with your money'!), but that only makes success all the more satisfying! Scotland enjoys the following special features and its own logo. Research per Sol: 100 (+50 per scanned sector) Precious metals price: $30 M Features: - Munro Air: Produces double the amount of air over time - Construction industry: 25% Lower consumption of concrete (Scottish people are... careful with resources) - Tourism: Hotel (Smart Home & Low-G Engineering tech) unlocked & cheaper, RC safari production unlocked - Space inside rockets for 2 more colonists - Passive science: Converts unused Power into Research Points. (Breakthrough) - Great thinkers: 10% more output from researchers - just like home - what else to do but think on those cold, dark nights? Flaws: - Increased water consumption: Rainfall has never been in short supply until now... - Harsh climate: Scotland couldn't lavish huge amounts of work on building design for the space programme - so buildings require more frequent maintenance over time.


v2 - Released 2023-05-07

First attempt to create new sponsor. Copied from Austria and modified. Many thanks to SkiRich for quality original work.


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