Two Empty Hands





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Two Empty Hands

A small imp wispered into my ear, told me gamers needed more pain and suffering before they can begin to understand why Mars is dyed red.

So I thought, say you want to play a game without boosts, you want to reach the end with only the use of your own tricks, or maybe you just love pain and are a pure masochist. or you are that pesky little imp toying with your imp friends.

This mod consist of:
- One realy Dead Commander Profile, he/she is dead, gone, only a Raven of Fate is left.
- A Mission Sponsor - The Forgotten, the last lost souls from Earth. Start with 2000M and 50RP/Sol

The money covers the bare minimum and the RP I could skip, but I bet people dont want to restart 10 times to be lucky to get a research tech and use 200M to get it unlocked. You might use 200M anyway, but if you screw up you can always wait 20 sols <


v4 - Released 2021-09-29

Changed application pool size from 0 to 20 on mission sponsor. Changed starting funds from 1500M to 2000M

v3 - Released 2021-09-07

Updated text for paradox version

v2 - Released 2021-04-01

Updated text for paradox version


Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

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