Arcadian Empire





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Arcadian Empire, long thought of as a mystery to the nations of Earth. In recent years the Empire has become more active. Always considering themselves technologically superior to the reset of Humanity.

Update: 27/01/2023 - complete rework of advanced resource converters finally fixed upgrade process, removed the Arcadian R& D Category new improved converters should appear in production category. Added farms to AI game rule for a little bit more diverse automation.

Mission Sponsor: Arcadian Empire
Research per Sol: 0
Rare Metals price: $75m

- Moderate Rocket payload 50,000 Kg
- Industrialist Prefab Pack: 2 Drone Hubs, 2 Moisture Vaporators, 2 Fuel Refineries, 1 Concrete Extractor, 1 Water Extractor, 1 Rare Metal Extractor & 1 Metal Extractor.
-Industrialists Technology Pack: Superconducting Computing, Extractor AI, Superior Cables, Superior Pipes, Autonomous Hubs.
-Drone Hubs start with additional Drones and Drone capacity
-100% increased fuel, water & oxygen production
-50% reduced Drone & Orbital Probe weight
-35% reduced Rover weight
-Rockets use more fuel (Drawback)
-Higher advanced resources (Drawback)
-Research Outsourcing costs more (Drawback)

Commander Profile: Emperor
-Technology: Mohole Project & Large Scale Excavations
-Mohole Mine & The Excavator Prefab
-Boosted Mohole Mine & The Excavator Production
-50% Increased Mohole Mine & The Excavator Power Consumption
- +25m Rare Metals Export value

Game Rules

-Incompatible with Colony Prefab, Increased Production, Endless Supply
-Technology: Wireless Power
- Grants Tech: Artificial Muscles
- 6 Wind Turnbine Prefabs
- 4 Stiring Generator Prefabs
- Increased Power Production

Artificial Intelligence
- Grants Tech: The Positronic Brain
- 2 Drone Assemblers, 1 Hydroponic Farm & 1 Fungal Famr Prefabs
- Automated Drone Assembler & Farms ( MUST BE built near and in Domes)

Emperor’s Bounty (incompatible with Emperor’s Gift)
-Grants 500 research every 5 Sols up to Sol 100
-Grants 2000m every 10 Sols up to Sol 100

Emperor's Gift (incompatible with Emperor’s Bounty)
-Technology: Automated Storage
-Grants Machine Parts, Polymer, Electronics, Metals, Rare Metals, Concrete, Food, Fuel Automated Storage Prefabs.

Orbital Watch (incompatible with Orbital Engineer)
- Technology: Adapted Probes
- 3 MDS Laser Prefabs
- 15% Boosted Physics & Robotics Research
- MDS Laser 50% increased construction costs

Orbital Engineer (incompatible with Orbital Watch)
- Technology: Rover Command AI
- 15% Boosted Engineering Research
- 25% Increased Space Elevator power consumption

Research Scientist
- 2 Hawking Institue Prefabs
- 25 Sponsor Research

Thermal Engineer
- Technology Granted Subsurface Heating
- 4 Subsurface Heating Prefabs
- 2 Water Extractor Prefabs
- +100% Construction cost for Subsurface Heater

New Build menu Arcadian R&D, The latest technology developments from the 5th Order Paladins.(icons are still blurred)

Resource Conversion

Machine Parts Converter
- Build Cost 10 Concrete, 7 Metal & 5 Rare Metal
- Converts 1 metal to 1 Machine Parts up to 12 per Sol
- Maintenance Cost 3 Conrete

Electronics Converter
- Build Cost 10 Concrete, 7 Metal & 5 Rare Metal
- Converts 1 metal to 1 Electronics up to 12 per Sol
- Maintenance Cost 3 Conrete

Polymer Converter
- Build Cost 10 Concrete, 7 Metal & 5 Rare Metal
- Converts 1 metal to 1 Polymer up to 12 per Sol
- Maintenance Cost 3 Conrete

v34 - Released 2023-01-26
reworked advanced resource processers and removed Arcadian R&D Category. automated famrs & farm prefabs for AI game rule.
v33 - Released 2023-01-26
a complete overhaul of the advanced resource converters. added farms to AI game rule
v32 - Released 2023-01-25
fixed the incorrect build cost for converters. added new game rules thermal engineer and research scientist. tweaked existing game rules.
v31 - Released 2023-01-25
fixed the incorrect build cost for converters. added new game rules thermal engineer and research scientist. tweaked existing game rules.
v30 - Released 2023-01-23
fixed the water requirement for polymer converter.
v29 - Released 2023-01-23
fixed a consumption issue with the advanced resource converters. added 4 stirling generator prefabs to industrialist game rule. increased cargo rocket cap, also increased rocket buy value, increased supply pod buy value. added excavator to the emperor commander profile. *Removed DLC requirements sorry should now work with or without DLC's*
v28 - Released 2023-01-23
completely reworked artificial intelligence.
v27 - Released 2023-01-22
completely reworked artificial intelligence.
v26 - Released 2021-09-11
completely reworked artificial intelligence.
v25 - Released 2021-09-11
fixed a spelling error. tweaked biorobotics workshops and removed free biorobotics cost.
v24 - Released 2021-09-11
fixed a bug with r&d converters. fixed a gammer mistake. adjusted artificial intelligence game rule. removed stirling generators from industrialists, added 2 additonial wind turbines.
v23 - Released 2021-09-10
balance tweaks. new game rule artificial intelligence. tweaked game rule orbital watch/ortibal engineer. tweaked mission sponsor. tweaked arcadian R&D convertors now consume 3 metals per 1 advanced resource. adjusted mohole production values.
v22 - Released 2019-11-26
adjusted orbital engineer & orbital watch.
v21 - Released 2019-11-26
corrected discriptions and spelling mistakes. removed deep storage dump site.
v20 - Released 2019-11-26
adjusted orbital engineer.
v19 - Released 2019-11-26
added some balance tweaks. removed converters build menu production and created Arcadian R&D.
v18 - Released 2019-11-25
unable to fix bug on persistant deep storage dump site.
v17 - Released 2019-11-25
removed bonus export and engineering research from orbital watch. added Orbital Engineer game rule.
v16 - Released 2019-11-25
reduced the storage capacity of deep storage from 250k to 25k
v15 - Released 2019-11-24
fixed deep storage dump site not destroying. added Imperial Orbital Watch game rule.
v14 - Released 2019-11-24
Overhauled the performance of converters, added a deep storgae dumping site 250k storage capacity.
v13 - Released 2019-11-24
Removed Eternal Fusion and replaced with Extractor AI. Added rare metal extractor prefab and metal extractor prefab the mission sponsor.
v12 - Released 2019-11-24
Reworked and balanced Emperors Bounty & Emperors Gift. Removed the stirling generators from the empire and moved them to the industrialist game rule also added wind turbine prefabs and 50% boost to power production.
v11 - Released 2019-11-24
fixed spelling errors. added new build sub-category and new building (clone of existing building).
v10 - Released 2019-11-24
Added 15% increased power consumption to mohole mine. Boosted water & oxygen production by 50%. Finally corrected the display name to display Arcadian Empire instead of just Arcadia. Added researched tect to industrialists game rule. added additional starting funds to emperors bounty and initial bonus capacity boost to emperors gift. reduced the amount of funding over time from emperors bounty.
v9 - Released 2019-11-22
Added stirling generator to increased engery production output. Also corrected a spelling mistake or two. :)
v8 - Released 2019-11-22
Removed unique optimisation Emperors Gift and replaced with 2 new game rules Emperors Bounty & Emperors Gift. Automated Storage Depots cost 25% more resources and use 15% more power.
v7 - Released 2019-11-22
Removed Polymer, Electronics & Machine Parts automated storage since they are unlocked. Removed increased power comsumption. Reset mohole production values back to build 5 values. Reset Water & Oxygen values to vanillia game values. Start with 2 Fuel Refinery prefabs instead of 4 start also added water extractor prefab. Increased starting funds and the rocket cargo capacity. Added Unique Arcadian Optimisation Technique Emporers Gift every 10 Sols upto 50 Sols.
v6 - Released 2019-11-22
Increased the difficulty from 50 to 250 for Industrialist game rule. Added an additional Mohole Prefab to the Emperor Commander Profile, also balanced tweaked the molehole's production values. The mission sponsor has been overhauled slightly with the removal of the fusion reactor prefab, increased the advanced resource cost by another 50% to balance out the increased sale value of rare metal, reduced the amount of starting drones from 25 to 15 for new drone hubs also lowered the max starting drones for 75 to 50. Automated storage prefabs have been doubled from start however overall cost has been increased also unlocked Automated Machine Parts, Polymer and Electronics storage. Removed the wind turbine prefabs and added an additional 2 stirling generator prefabs. Outsourcing research now costs 25% more. Added 1 Rare Metal Automated Storage and 1 Automated Fuel Storage. Increased Fuel Refrineries from 1 to 4 prefabs. Increased overall power consumption by 25%.
v5 - Released 2019-06-28
decreased the over power production output originally was boosted to 150% now has been reduced to 100%.
v4 - Released 2019-06-28
decreased rover weight 35%. decreased drone & oribat probe weight 50%. unlocked fusion reactor. decreased eternal fusion upgrade cost 75%.
v3 - Released 2019-06-28
balance changes to Emperor (added flavour text). add concrete prefab forget to add in previous build. adjusted some prices and production values.
v2 - Released 2019-06-27
balance changes to industrialist. added balance every 15 sols advanced resources increase 5% up to a max of 50%.


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