Pioneers of Mars Foundaton (Sponsor)





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80 Subscribers



(Pioneers of Mars Foundation) is an attempt at a template based configurable sponsor. Add the addtional mod called (Pioneers of Mars Foundation) Attributes and use the rules it includes to customize this base sponsor template as desired. The starting stats for this sponsor are below and it will work as is but you can modify a lot of these with the rules in the Attribtues mod so go wild and have fun! Can also use [PMF Focus Rule Pack 1] to add on certain themed sponsor abilities and such so get it as well as the (Pioneers of Mars Foundation) Attributes mods. Base starting stats - enhance with add on rules pack Starting Funds 4000 Zeus Rocket Clone Cargo Capacity 50000 Starting Rockets 1 Large Supply Pod Zeus Rocket Clone (increased capacity to 50000) Start Techs to Research 3 Export Price 20 Research Points 100 Applicants Start Size 100 WASP Drones


v3 - Released 2023-02-14

Can also use [PMF Focus Rule Pack 1] to add on certain themed sponsor bonsus abilites and such so get it as weell as the (Pioneers of Mars Foundation) Attributes mods.updates to starting stats and various updates, been a while since i played decided to mod my favorite mod I made

v2 - Released 2023-02-14

updates to starting stats and various updates, been a while since i played decided to mod my favorite mod I made


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