More Army/Industry & modif.Living standards V`5.1´





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I will look that I now soon repair the industry mechanics or remove them from the mod. Since the rest still works so far.
Normal Species

Soldier Jobs give -5 Crime & +1 stability. Militarists can live better with cartels.

Indentured Servitude are now more like third-class citizens.

It is now possible to build an infinite number of foundries or factories for consumer goods. Just like the farm buildings.(All species)

-Full Garrison Strength-

+1 Soldier per 5 inhabitants
+1 Entertainer per 7 inhabitants
+1 Merchant per 20 inhabitants
Attraction(Government Ethics): +35%.
War Exhaustion Gain: -300%
Monthly unity: +12%
Stability: +5
Defense Army Morale: +60%
Assault Army Morale: +60%
Diplomatic Weight: +12%
Border Friction: +40%

-Moderate Garrison Strength-

+1 Soldier per 7 inhabitants
+1 Entertainer per 10 inhabitants
+1 Merchant per 25 inhabitants
Attraction(Government Ethics): +25%.
War Exhaustion Gain: -280%
Monthly unity: +8%
Stability: +2.5 only 2 displayed ingame.
Defense Army Morale: +55%
Assault Army Morale: +55%
Happiness: +8%
Diplomatic Weight: +8%
Border Friction: +10%

-Regular Garrison Strength-

+1 Soldier per 20 residents
+1 Culture Worker per 10 residents
+1 Medical Worker per 20 residents
+1 Artisan per 10 residents
Consumer Goods from Jobs: +10%
Alloys from Jobs: +5%
Defense Army Morale: +50%
Assault Army Morale: +50%
Envoy Improve Relations: +5%
Happiness: +12%
Border Friction: -40%
War Exhaustion Gain: -200%

-Survival is the top priority-

+1 Warrior Drone per 5 inhabitants
+1 Hunter Seeker Drone per 12 inhabitants
+1 Coordinator per 20 inhabitants
War Exhaustion Gain: -280%
Bio-Pop Happiness: +10%
Lithoid Pop Happyness: +10%
Stability: +10
Defense Army Morale: +50%
Assault Army Morale: +50%
Diplomatic Weight: +12%
Menial Drone Output: +20%
Complex Drone Output: -20%
Border Friction: +50%

-Extended Hazard prevention-

+1 Warrior Drone per 7 inhabitants
+1 Hunter Seeker Drone per 14 inhabitants
+1 Chronicle Drone per 20 inhabitants
War Exhaustion Gain: -250%
Bio-Pop Happiness: +5%
Lithoid Pop Happyness: +5%
Stability: +5
Defense Army Morale: +50%
Assault Army Morale: +50%
Diplomatic Weight: +5%
Menial Drone Output: +10%
Complex Drone Output: -10%
Border Friction: +30%

-Regular Hazard prevention-

+1 warrior drone per 20 inhabitants
+1 Chronicle Drone per 20 inhabitants
+1 Calculator Drone per 25 inhabitants
Menial Drone Output: +25%
Complex Drone Output: +20%
Defense Army Morale: +50%
Assault Army Morale: +50%
War Exhaustion Gain: -200%
Border Friction: -35%

The mod folder contains these Vanilla files:

Important!! More Army++ is partly incompatible with Startech/net. Because Startech contains & resets the Warrior_drone job. To avoid this, MA++ must be in the playset after Star AI. But this resets the AI weighting for the vanilla policies back from Star AI.

Must be placed under "Planetary Diversity Unique Worlds Mod" & under "Gigastructural Eng. & More" in the playset.

Not compatible with mods that overwrite these files or partly incompatible, depending on the load order.

Not compatible with More Army++ Classic/More Army/Real Indu

After changing the policy it takes a few weeks/months until values like armies/morale change. If there are strange values at the start of the game, e.g. low stability. These change immediately after 1-2 days.

If you have a warrior culture, the Additional Entertainers do not become duelists. Duelists remain duelists, entertainers are added separately. But this also makes it more realistic.

The consumer goods subsistence of living standards was partially INCREASED. You have to be able to afford a better standard of living economically.

The use of services was also adapted to the standard. Watch out, because otherwise your people have waiting lists of over 2 years for a hairdresser appointment :D or so.

Depending on the launch, you may need to do some micromanaging to increase Planetary Services.

Militaristic states can now live much better with cartels. Pacifists still have to resort to police.

The AI will usually lose attacks with ground armies, as they do not adapt to the extra defenders. Conquest of systems, they usually do with the fleets & claims. Later i look what i can do there.

I created a complete AI weighting based on the ethics.

For Hives

I had to link the weighting to the civics.

For the player it has no effect, except for the default setting at game start.

The Ai will now choose the appropriate policy according to its ethics.

The new jobs consume 3-4 housing units per 10 pops.

Slave workers with academic privileges use more consumer goods. Since the slave value is prioritized. Not the worker maintenance of 0.25 this value applies only to Full Citizens with this standard of living or to Resident Citizens.

The same goes for Social Welfare & the rest. E.g. a slave with social welfare who works as a specialist, consumes 1 consumer goods & not the specialist basic maintenance of 0.50

v0.7 - Released 2022-04-10
I fixed the hives & adjusted the job weights to the latest Stellaris version. More was changed than I noticed at first.
v0.6 - Released 2022-03-25
The happiness for slaves for Academic Privileges has been adjusted to what the description also indicates.//////// I had forgotten to change the value for the slaves in the file.
v0.5 - Released 2022-03-23
Living standards were adjusted. Utopian standard is now available for materialists & also for slaves. Academic privileges are available for all ethics if you have third class citizens as researchers. Not for working slaves. Social Welfare is available for all slave types. Since values of the localization did not want to be changed from this standard. I just added a text section. Since workers now have 15% happiness & slaves 20% happiness. Decadent Standard is not available for worker slaves & still requires the Vanilla Civic. All standards have been adjusted in consumer goods consumption. Decadent & Utopian standard of living, must now be economically affordable. The use of services was also adapted to the living standard. Furthermore, the defensive armies of the fallen have been further strengthened. The localization for the policies was adjusted. The policy itself, now also has a small description. So that no more _desc is displayed. The changes to the economy from Real Indu were taken over. The primitive bureaucrats are still bureaucrats & not politicians. Is probably so intended by the developers & also no matter. Since primitive politicians compared to those of a star empire are rather bureaucrats
v5 - Released 2022-02-26
Removed the ethics folder that contained the Purge stuff.
v4 - Released 2022-02-26
v3 - Released 2022-02-24
A small bugfix for the german localization & updated for the update + I lowered the Political Power of full citizens to 200% from 300%, since you get enough influence anyway ^^ Since a mod I used doesn't work anymore since the update & I can't wait, I added similar here. You can now build infinitely many foundries or factories for consumer goods. Just as it was possible with the farm buildings before. The storage capacity of warehouse buildings has also been increased to 5000. They are larger & take a little more time to build & cost a little more. The energy nexus & grid give 1 extra technician job. & 1-2 other minimal changes.
v2 - Released 2022-01-31




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