Void Dwellers Expanded 3+





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Convert your habitats to Foundry, Industrial, Research, Fortress, Bureaucratic, Refinery, Trade, Mining, Generator, Farming, Sanctuary or Storage arcologies.
v3.7 - Released 2023-03-14
3.7 bump
v3.6 - Released 2022-12-03
- 3.6 update
v3.5 - Released 2022-10-11
- Fixed "Habitat start" deposit adding 3 building slots not being applied, resulting in ruined building(s) on game start. - Removed mod-specific clones of mineral and energy booster buildings on habitats as this workaround is no longer needed to avoid overwrite. - Added ai_resource_production blocks in mod-specific districts for possible future AI support. - Added scripts demolishing some unity and trade buildings on game start in "Habitat start" for AI to make it more likely to survive. - Replaced ticking global event setting up global flag with on_single_player_save_game_load (clears harmless error.log line). - Fixed outdated hair code for Technocracy of Man prescripted empire leader (hair -> attachment). - Simplified requirements scripts, mostly unchanged gameplay-wise: * Mod-specific technologies and Elysian Isles Ascension Perk require Children of the Void civic as usual and either Voidborne AP or at least two other ascension perks. * "Habitat start" staring system requires Utopia, Federations or Toxoids DLC (they do not unlock habitat tech though, you need Utopia DLC for that).
v68 - Released 2022-10-02
- Latest 3.5.
v67 - Released 2022-08-31
v66 - Released 2022-05-15
v65 - Released 2022-02-23
v64 - Released 2021-11-23
- 3.2.1 update. - Habitat Storage Districts
v63 - Released 2021-11-16
- Added Russian (Русский) translation courtesy of Dimonius .
v62 - Released 2021-11-16
- Mastercraft Inc. civic support.
v61 - Released 2021-11-16
Catalytic, Crafters civics support, traditions bonuses.
v60 - Released 2021-09-19
attempt to fix PDX Mods
v59 - Released 2021-09-19
Update: - Code for unity bonus has been simplified and limit on bonus received has been removed (praise 3.1 update). As a downside information with number of captains in the government window had to be removed (you can still deduce it by dividing unity bonus by 2). - Unity bonus is now calculated monthly. - Habitat Arcology construction tech is now granted immediately upon taking Voidborne Ascension Perk instead of having to wait until next month (praise 3.1 update). - Habitat Captain quarters are now immediately removed if habitat is lost to another empire (praise 3.0 update). - Removed needless employment checks, improves performance a bit. - Removed typo in the thumbnail nobody noticed for a year.
v58 - Released 2021-09-15
- Updated to 3.1.1.
v57 - Released 2021-09-09
- Added support for Planetary Ringworlds. - Added habitable_structure = yes trigger check to the list of supported planets. Very useful with The Merger of Rules mod. - Added exclusion flag amaryllian_voidchildren_forbidden. Select specific planet and execute the following console command: effect set_planet_flag = amaryllian_voidchildren #allows Habitat Captains effect set_planet_flag = amaryllian_voidchildren_forbidden #prevents Habitat Captains
v56 - Released 2021-08-29
Attempt to fix PDX Mods database...
v55 - Released 2021-07-07
Elysian Isles AP habitat bonus is now correctly applied to new habitats on successful colonisation and annually as a fallback. This is 100th mod update. Yay!
v54 - Released 2021-05-12
- Added support for Acquisition of Technology. Use the Children of the Void civic to get access to Habitat Captains and Habitat Arcology projects on AoT habitats, just as you would on vanilla habitats and Planetary Diversity - Planetary Habitats. AoT habitats are treated as top tier vanilla habitats (Habitat World) for the purpose of Arcology Project. Use Void Dwellers traits: Ring World & modded habitats fix to remove Void Dwellers negative trait growth on AoT habitats. - Elysian Isles Ascension Perk grants +10 carrying capacity on supported habitat classes. - Fixed Industrial Habitat Arcology project not notifying of completion when done on Planetary Habitat. - Arcology Projects are now also valid on every planet using vanilla habitat district (uses_district_set = habitat).
v53 - Released 2021-05-01
- Fixed Habitat Captain jobs appearing on newly colonised but unsuitable worlds. Forgot to include one check for suitable planet in amaryllian.802 event. To remove jobs from unsuitable planets execute following command (copy and paste): effect every_owned_planet = { limit = { NOT = { amaryllian_is_valid_voidchildren_planet = yes } remove_modifier = amaryllian_habitat_captain_quarters remove_modifier = amaryllian_habitat_brain_quarters } } To demote all unemployed pops execute the following: effect every_owned_pop = { limit = { is_unemployed = yes } clear_pop_category = yes } I do hope I wrote correctly, save just in case.
v52 - Released 2021-04-30
Nemesis hotfix: - Fixed Habitat Captain jobs appearing for empires without civic (was missing a trigger). - Fixed Habitat Start habitat not receiving new Industrial Districts. - Fixed Habitat Start habitat not having enough building slots to support starting buildings (via new unique starting deposit "Habitat Administration" giving +3 building slots). - Habitat Captain jobs will appear on the suitable planets immediately after taking the civic via government reform (have to wait a year to recalculate unity % bonus).
v51 - Released 2021-04-30
Update to Nemesis patch.
v50 - Released 2021-02-08
- Added support for NSC2 Modjam Freebooters Origin. Freebooters will receive Habitat Captains job and housing benefits of Elysian Isles perk on their special habitat, and will not have their habitability changed at start. They do not receive more starting techs nor can they convert their special habitat to Habitat Arcology (Origin description states that their habitat is non-expandable). Freebooters can eventually still build Orbital Habitats (and PD Planetary Habitats) as far as I am aware. - Modders can disable habitability change for their starting countries by applying amaryllian_ignore_habitability_change country flag. I will review habitability change feature at one point.
v49 - Released 2021-01-07
- Machine Empire Habitat Brain Synapses now provide 1 maintenance drone job per 10 pops on a habitat. In the future this might be gated behind technology or moved to Habitation Districts once those are implemented but this was a fastest way for me to implement amenities fix for machines.
v48 - Released 2020-10-31
descriptor to 2.8
v47 - Released 2020-08-01
Chinese translation included for Paradox Mods. Courtesy of vesel099
v46 - Released 2020-07-25
Mod name change, finally possible on Paradox Mods...
v45 - Released 2020-07-23
- Uploaded again...
v44 - Released 2020-07-23
- locales sync
v43 - Released 2020-07-23
Trunkated locales, shorted lock in
v42 - Released 2020-07-22
- Fixed Grand Arcology possible to build on an unupgraded habitat where Habitat World (tier 3) or Habitat Arcology is required. - Added Polish localisation ( spolszczenie ). 90% complete but fully functional. TO DO: Missing flavour only text for districts' descriptions and Arcology Project finished event window.
v41 - Released 2020-07-18
v40 - Released 2020-07-18
- Colony designation fix
v39 - Released 2020-07-17
- Future-proofing Planetary Habitats support.
v38 - Released 2020-07-15
- Grand Arcology Project. - Only two planetary decisions instead of 11.
v37 - Released 2020-06-24
tooltips, fixed exploit
v36 - Released 2020-06-24
Update: - Full support for Planetary Diversity - Planetary Habitats added (see screenshots[imgur.com]). Conversion to Arcology Habitats on the similar principles as for Orbital Habitats but mostly follow Planetary Habitat specialisation rules: Foundry Arcology Project requires Foundry dristricts present, Generator Arcology Project requires Generator districts present etc. Projects require at least once upgraded (Advanced) Planetary Habitat. Where no special districts are available build up with Habitation Districts. See Projects' tooltips for details. Planetary Habitats receive Habitat Captain and Elysian Isles Ascension Perk bonuses as they were before. Please note that terraforming into a normal planet destroys all districts and Habitat Arcology. - Research Arcology Project now possible when Habitation *and/or* Science Disctricts are present. No Research Districts are granted after Project's completion. Please note that -100% pop demotion time from Habitat Captains still applies. Modding notes: - Planetary Habitats and their districts are not touched by Habitat Arcology projects. No planet_flags are removed. There are no file and block overwrites. - Habitat Arcology projects now set_planet_flag = amaryllian_hab_arcology upon completion . A common planet_flag for all Habitat Arcologies in case any mods wants to detect them.
v35 - Released 2020-06-12
Energy Grid, Mineral Purification Plant, and their upgraded versions are now available on Habitat Generator and Habitat Mining Arcologies respectively.
v34 - Released 2020-06-10
Void Dwellers Expanded is now backwards compatible with Stellaris 2.6.* if you install Stellaris version checker. Should also work on 2.5.* but bureaucratic habitat arcologies introduced in 2.6 won't function.
v33 - Released 2020-05-28
Planetary Diversity - Planetary Habitats support.
v32 - Released 2020-05-26
v31 - Released 2020-05-26
- Lost Colony Origin will now work properly. In the future ideally I should force Earth to spawn if playing humans, without vanilla overwrites.... somehow..
v30 - Released 2020-05-26
- Void Dweller traits will show up properly on all species, including Bio-trophies and Assimilator Cyborg pops.
v29 - Released 2020-05-22
PD asteroids habitats, event fixes
v28 - Released 2020-05-16
- Updated tooltips for civic, system start etc. - Removed obsolete influence grant for non-civic start.
v27 - Released 2020-05-15
Enabled Farming Arcology for Synthetic Evolution
v26 - Released 2020-05-15
- Fixed Farming Districts on Farming Habitats disappearing after Synthetic Ascension.
v25 - Released 2020-05-13
- Support for Planetary Diversity - Planetary Habitats 2.7.1.
v24 - Released 2020-05-12
trying to fix thumbail for 2.7
v23 - Released 2020-05-12
- Fixed graphical bug where habitat would appear black in Habitat Start starting system (starting system of Technocracy of Man). Also fixed size of a starting habitat to 10 (tier 3). I intend to expand this start in the future, maybe add some flavour events.
v22 - Released 2020-05-12
Thumbnail fix.
v21 - Released 2020-05-12
Update to 2.7+ - Habitat Arcology Projects are now possible on upgraded habitats, either Advanced Habitats (tier 2) or Habitat Worlds (tier 3). - Void Campaign has been removed as early game boost for Void Dwellers is no longer needed. If you still need it for some reason it is available as a separate mod . Please note that Stellaris patch 2.7 made Advanced Habitats require Star Fortress tech (tier 3) and Habitat Worlds require Citadel (tier 4 tech) so you need to wait quite a bit and research at least Star Fortress tech before you can upgrade any other habitat than your homeworld as Void Dwellers. I may revise the balance once I play the new 2.7.1 patch a bit.
v20 - Released 2020-05-11
v19 - Released 2020-05-10
Fixed habitat deposits spawning where they shouldn't
v18 - Released 2020-05-09
Feature update: - New Habitat Arcology: Generator Habitat Conversion project available on habitats with access to reactor districts (this includes gestalt habitats). You need to fill Habitat with reactor districts to begin conversion project. If you have any habitation districts don't demolish them, they will count as reactor for this purpose as long as you have some reactor districts built. Habitat Generator District provides +10 housing +5 technician jobs with Voidborne ascension perk and +10 housing +10 technician jobs with Elysian Isles ascension perk. Energy Grid/Nexus is unavailable on Arcology Generator Habitats unless you play gestalt empire. Energy building built before conversion will stay on the habitat. Changes: - Arcology Mining and Generator Habitats will receive one Mining and one Generator district (respectively) after conversion is complete. Upcoming: - Unique Trade Habitats buffs. Thanks to: Cynnia for help with flavour texts. You guys for being patient. :)
v17 - Released 2020-05-08
Feature update: - New Habitat Arcology: Mining Habitats Conversion project available on habitats with access to astro-mining districts. Base conversion cost stays the same (10k minerals, 500 alloys 100 influence) but you need to fill Habitat with astro-mining districts to begin conversion project. If you have any habitation districts don't demolish them, they will count as astro-mining for this purpose as long as you have some mining districts built. Habitat Mining District provides +10 housing +5 miner jobs with Voidborne ascension perk and +10 housing +10 miner jobs with Elysian Isles ascension perk. Mineral Purification Plants/Hubs are unavailable on Arcology Mining Habitats but that's hardly an issue with the resource output Arcology Habitats have. Enjoy your free building slot. Purification building built before conversion will stay on the habitat. At one point I will rebalance all districts and give them features dependant on civics (like Interstellar Franchising for Habitat Trade Districts).
v16 - Released 2020-05-05
Habitat Trade Districts grant 5% / 10% trade value bonus on habitat per district owned.
v15 - Released 2020-05-03
- updated locales for non-English versions.
v14 - Released 2020-05-03
Trade Habitats
v13 - Released 2020-04-30
Fixed Elysian Isles bonus not being applied
v12 - Released 2020-04-26
QOL update, integration with other mods.
v11 - Released 2020-04-20
Moved some arcologies to the mid game
v10 - Released 2020-04-09
readme update
v9 - Released 2020-04-08
v8 - Released 2020-04-07
Added Refinery Districts
v7 - Released 2020-04-04
v6 - Released 2020-03-25
v5 - Released 2020-03-24
v4 - Released 2020-03-21
v3 - Released 2020-03-18
v2 - Released 2020-02-15
Initial paradoxplaza upload, version as of 15/02/2020.




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