Stellar Igniter II





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Ever wanted to turn a planet into a star?


To be the Blue Sun Corpration?


To be the Aschen from Stargate SG-1?


The monolith builders from 2001: A Space Odyssey?


Fortunately, csrr (aka AlbertKermin, and his trusty and annoying assistant, osarkthegoat) are here to bring you the poor man’s habitat option- turning a gas giant into a star!


Once you obtain the Stellar Ignition ascension perk (which requires the Star Fortress and Terrestrial Sculpting technologies), you can then build the Stellar Igniter Staging Area around any gas giant world you choose (although they are limited to one per system). It takes 2500 minerals, 2500 alloys, and 250 influence.


Then, when you have minerals and alloys saved up (2500 each), order the staging area to build a Stellar Igniter. The powerful gravitational fields generated by this structure will compress the gas giant into a small star, converting some of its moons into Pre-Teraformed Worlds- hostile and lifeless, but with the Terraforming Candidate modifier . Finishing their transforming is a matter of a little under a year, and a thousand energy.


There are also four custom colony events for you to enjoy!


However, this rushed terraforming can be risky, and results may vary- such as a 30% chance of a world becoming a different, but similar, climate.


Manufacturer’s recommendation- choose a world with several large moons. Also, this mod pairs very well with the World Shaper ascension perk.


Also, I would like to thank Stellaris forum users Mitchz95 and Courageous, as their wonderful advice on coding made this mod possible. Also, a big thanks to Steam user JR, who figured out my stupid mistake that created the long-standing bug.


Known bug- the graphics are bugged, resulting in the under-construction megastructures not appearing, or appearing in the wrong place. They’re fine once finished, however. Any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated!




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