Velutarian Empires





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[h1] Why this mod [/h1] I was looking to dabble in Stellaris Modmaking and decided to try my hand at an empire mod. [i] This mod adds three new Prescripted Empires, each with their own backstory. [/i] [h1] Important Notes [/h1] [b] You will need Apocalypse for The United Velutarian Combine. [/b] This is due to the Post Apocalyptic Civic. If you don’t have Apocalypse, the game will work fine without the DLC. However, you won’t be able to play as The United Velutarian Combine in its full glory. [b] You will need Federations for The Velutarian Sacred Theocracy. [/b] This is due to the Remnants Origin. If you don’t have Federations, the game will work fine without the DLC. However, you won’t be able to play as The Velutarian Sacred Theocracy in its full glory. [img] [/img] [h1] Features [/h1] [list] [*] The Velutarian Accord -- The Velutarian Accord began their humble beginnings on Old Alvania, an Artic World. What started out as simple Fragmented Feudal States became a Direct Democracy that was the Beacon of Liberty and a Free Haven to those who come to Velutarian Space legally. The Velutarian are a xenophilic, egalitarian, and materialistic bunch. Velutarians everywhere had quite the agrarian traditionalist upbringing in order to protect their planet. However, while the species thrived on Old Alvania, they became set in their ways and became slow breeders and sedentary due to the cold climate. As the Velutarians near the New Age, they long to explore the stars and bring democracy to whatever lies out in the vast vacuum of space. [*] The United Velutarian Combine (Requires Apocalypse) -- After climate change and warring globalists decimated Old Alvania into an apocalyptic world, The United Velutarian Combine was formed. With its formation, a new start for the Velutarians began. The Velutarians focused on their own people rather than becoming the “Galactic Peacekeepers” through a new found Nationalistic Zeal. These “born-again” Velutarians became warring authoritarian xenophobic militarists who sought to keep their homeland free from another global conflict by enhancing their species to be more intelligent. Though these survivors were extremely adaptive to their radioactive homeland, the Global War disenfranchised the Velutarians by causing them to adopt a more quarrelsome, solitary and slow breeder protocol due to the vast radioactive zones left on Old Alvania. [*] The Velutarian Sacred Theocracy (Requires Federations) -- After a successful coup d'état of The United Velutarian Combine, the Oligarchic Holy Tribunal known as the Velutarian Sacred Theocracy has seized control. Under this new pacifistic/spiritualistic egalitarian regime, all Velutarians value their traditions and the study of sociology of the Xeno Cosmos. Due to the downfall of The United Velutarian Combine, the Velutarian are more resilient, communal, and are slow breeders. The Velutarian Sacred Theocracy will spread its religious power throughout the stars.


v3 - Released 2020-03-17

2.6 Update for PDX Plaza

v2 - Released 2020-03-17




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