Empire of Eeveelutions






If you want to get achievements with eevees(only portraits), turn to

Added animated portraits and greeting sounds

Recently, we have put our focus back on species beautification, the Eeveelutions now have animation effects and greeting sounds. 

Making animated portraits takes a lot of time, we will add it little by little.

Add Eeveelution species into your Stellaris game

1.150 portraits of eeveolutions

2.Four unique initial traits

3.Choose Evolutionary Mastery ascension perk to unlock 9 powerful mega-evolution traits, and use repeatable technology "Endless evolution" to get enough gene modification points.

More optional contents

1.Choose civic Eeveelution Assimilator to assimilate organic alien population into eeveelutions.

2.A prescripted country and several events to tell how these psionic animals born and evolved into a interstellar civilization...

3.Get mind control weapons in story events[spoiler]Yes they're pokeballs[/spoiler], capture hostile ships and space creatures.  

  Tips:Story events can only be triggered when you choose the "Imperial(Eevees)" "Oligarchic(Eevees)" authority or the "external synapse" civic, to avoid out of characoer (broke the feeling of immersion) when you are playing other species or Eeveelution country you conceived yourself. "Imperial(Eevees)" and "Oligarchic(Eevees)" authority is based on the vanilla authorities of the same name, as a switch for story events.

Background story introduction:

Origin: Empire of Eeveelutions

"Eevelutions was originally living toys created by an spiritualist awakened empire. A million years ago, that awakened empire disappeared suddenly, leaving only their creations wandering in the glorious ruins... After millions of years of natural selection, eeveolutions, who are good at cooperating with each other due to their multiple types, embarked on the evolutionary route of social and intellectual development, evolved into civilization."

New origin: Heart of Swarm

"If Eeveelutions learned to catch each other with pokeballs after they entered the atomic age..."

(A hive mind country start on a tomb world, has special civic "External Synapse", can use bombardment stance "Catch".)

Story event chains:

1.Legacy of the Void - The creator's past: An accident has led you to discover a military base of Creator civilization which is still running. From here, you will begin to explore the truth of the creator's disappearance and the source of the eeveelution's psionic talent...

2.Dimension Ark: You discovered some subspace facilities built by creators, they used these facilities to spread the fire of their civilization and their created psionic creatures to as many worlds as possible on the eve of destruction.

3.Fictional Person: You found several special Eeveelution brains which are still remain bioactive, and a brain transplantation device in an ancient civilization relics...

4.Unnatural selection: You discovered a large amount of wild Pokemons on a habitable world. The Eeveelutions among them have developed the rudiments of language, and began to harvest wild fruits regularly by using the ability of Leafeon... The fire of civilization may start to burn on this planet at any time. Capture and transform these Eeveelutions to integrate them into modern society, or plan nature reserves on the planet... Their fate is for you to choose.

[spoiler](There's an easter egg event which have lot of contents but the Vaporeon don't let me write how to trigger it.

(You can choose prescripted country to experience the whole story)

More events are still in production... At present, we are studying to import pokemon models into the game as combat units. (The current idea is that the combat power of a single pokemon is not high, but they are cheap and does not need maintenance, so they can drowns the enemy with quantity.[spoiler]It's too Zerg[/spoiler] But we're worry about performance problems. Suggestions are welcome.)

Available for 3.*.* version

 (This mod is only for entertainment and communication, and all forms of commercial use are prohibited. Most of pictures are from pinterest, the copyright of them belongs to the original author.

v1.2.5 - Released 2022-04-25
A year's update. I'm sorry that I forget published this mod here and only updated it on steam workshop.
v2.23 - Released 2021-05-02
a new event chain new traits bugs repaired
v1.4 - Released 2021-03-14
An event chain to tell the story about their creators
v1.3 - Released 2021-03-07
Add a prescripted countrie and the history of how these beasts evolved into an intelligent species.
v1.2 - Released 2021-02-26
Add new portraits and repaired some bugs
v1.1 - Released 2021-02-16
bugs repaired
v5 - Released 2021-02-14
v4 - Released 2021-02-09
v3 - Released 2021-02-09
v2 - Released 2021-02-09




Full game