Civics Expanded+ Legacy





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Civics Expanded+ (Legacy Version)


This is the legacy version of Civics Expanded+. It will always be an entire version behind the latest patch. For example, when Stellaris is updated to 2.9, the main mod will be updated for that version, but this legacy edition will be updated for 2.8. Whenever the main mod gets a content update, so will this version.


2.7.* compatible.



Civics Expanded+ adds:

  • 30 default civics
  • 10 hive civics
  • 5 machine civics
  • 10 corporate civics,
  • 5 ascension perks
  • 3 origins
  • 3 policies
  • 6 edicts
  • 10 buildings
  • 21 technologies
  • 2 relics
  • A new federation type

If you want to play Civics Expanded+ on the latest version of Stellaris, check out the main mod.

If you'd like a mod that adds only the civics, check out Civics Expanded (Civics Only).

If you'd like a mod that overhauls, and rebalances vanilla civics, check out Civics Overhaul.


Plans for the Future

*More civics, policies, edicts, origins, and ascension perks.


v53 - Released 2020-10-30


v52 - Released 2020-09-13

*Ancient Studies ascension perk should now properly work for gestalts. *Titan of Industry and Consumer Streamlining civics balanced out more. *Crystalline Energy Grid modifiers slightly changed.

v51 - Released 2020-09-04

*Fixed the issues where the events associated with War Economy and Multiculturalism caused the game to crash. *Mod is now totally compatible with any mod that modifies basegame jobs.

v50 - Released 2020-08-23

*Five civics from the Expanded MegaCorp Civics mod integrated into the mod, now named: Entertainment Enterprise, Consumer Streamlining, Galactic Pioneers, Titan of Industry and Construction Corporation. *The Research Institute civic from the EMC mod has been merged with the Technocorp civic. *Sanctify Singularity decision (available for Nihilistic Cults) now requires the Consecrated Worlds ascension perk. *Several gestalt civics modified.

v1.3.2.1 - Released 2020-08-18

should now load properly

v1.3.2 - Released 2020-08-17

v1.3.1 - Released 2020-07-30

Version 1.3.1: Bugfixes. Effects of Collectivism, Nihilistic Cult and Machine Cult slightly changed.

v1.3.0.3 - Released 2020-07-25


v1.3 - Released 2020-07-15

UPDATE 1.3: THE FLAVOUR UPDATE PLAGUED SOCIETY 18 new techs Over 10 new special projects Over 50 new events An archaeological site Special building available Special planetary decisions Special starting deposits/blockers A new relic ARCOLOGY MASTERS Graphic issue fixed 15 new events A special project Special starting deposits/blockers More balanced start QUEST FOR THE SEEDERS Longer story Several special systems Over 55 new events 4 special projects 6 archaeological sites 2 special anomalies A new relic NEW CIVICS Machine Cult (with special effects) Nihilist Cult (with special effects) Crystalline Energy Grids (with special effects) War Economy (with special effects) Peacekeepers (with special effects) BALANCE/FIXES Many civics now have negative aspects Several civics weakened 10 other civics now have special effects

v1.2.2 - Released 2020-05-19

Added files and literally everything




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