Circle Galaxy








Allows you to generate a circle galaxy with 200 systems and galaxies with 2 or 3 concentric circles. To generate other types of galaxies, disable this mod. This mod changes border rendering and removes star height variation from galaxy rendering to make circle galaxies look better.


For the maps with multiple concentric circles, change the hyperlane density setting to change the number of hyperlanes between concentric circles. You can create a test game, use the observe command, and unpause the game for a few in-game days to see the effect. If you want to disable wormhole travel between concentric circles, make sure to set wormholes to 0x.


Known Issues:

  • Pre-scripted empire names will be randomized. You can always rename your own empire, but other preset empires will have different names if generated.
  • Advanced AI starts don't work.
  • Fallen empires don't normally spawn. To get one to spawn, you must own the Federations DLC and force-spawn an empire with the Scion origin.
  • Fallen empires spawned as a result of the Scion origin do not have the correct ship set.
  • Guaranteed habitable worlds won't spawn.
  • Some empires may spawn in a black hole system.
  • Some hyperlanes between concentric circles might not spawn.
  • Some origins might not work 100% correctly (missing planetary features, etc.).
  • The void dwellers origin is broken.


v0.4.1 - Released 2022-04-04

Added more information to the English localization, including warnings and tips.

v0.4 - Released 2022-04-03

Added new galaxy types with concentric circles and fixed some bugs

v0.3 - Released 2022-04-03

Hopefully fixed critical bug where mod wasn't loading

v0.2 - Released 2022-04-03

Fixed a critical bug where AI empires would have their homeworlds be completely random (likely a barren, frozen, toxic, etc. world)




Full game