More Civics [3.10.x]





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Engineering Research Speed +15%

Megastructure Build Speed +50%

Now building 'Monolith' Will appear on the home planet. Will provide research bonuses and will dispense minor artifacts every ten years. The amount will increase as you upgrade the building.

Habitability -30%

Resettlement Cost +30%

Colony Development Speed -50%

Construction Time +20%

Governing Ethics Attraction +20%

Resource From Jobs +20%

Monthly Unity +10%

Cannot be removed or added after the start of the game

Start with 12 pops that developed parallely on the planet

(Removed due to another mod already have this civic)

Society Research Speed +15%

Modify Species Special Project Cost -50%

Cannot be removed or added after the start of the game

Trust Cap -50

Trust Growth -10%

Colony Development Speed +25%

Pop Growth Speed +10%

Defense Army Damage +20%

Defense Army Morale +20%

Building Cost -10%

Building Upkeep -10%

Starbase Influence Cost +50%

Cannot be removed or added after the start of the game

Ship Weapons Damage +15%

Ship Weapons Range +20%

Ship Fire Rate +10%

Evasion +10%

Sublight Speed +15%

Leader Level Cap -1

Research Speed -20%

Pop Growth Speed +30%

Happiness -10%

Happiness +20%

Habitability +10%

Pop Growth Speed -10%

Leader Pool Cap +2

Leader Pool Size -1

Administrative Capacity +20

Statecraft Research Speed +10%

Leader Pool Size -1

Leader Level Cap +2

Leader Pool Size +2

Research Speed +5%

Leader Upkeep +50%

Empire Sprawl Penalty +50%

Leader Upkeep -50%

Leader Experience Gain +25%

Happiness -20%

Army Morale +20%

Ship Fire Rate +10%

Leader Level Cap +2

Crime +30

Leader Lifespan -25

Administrative Capacity +30

Empire Sprawl Penalty -20%

Starbase Influence Cost -30%

Leader Upkeep +10%

Planet Build Speed +20%

Monthly Unity +10%

Army Morale +10%

Pop Growth From Immigration -30%

Immigration Pull -50%

Leader Level Cap -1

Governing Ethics Attraction +20%

Resources From Jobs +20%

Physics Research Speed +15%

Happiness -20%

Edict Duration +150%

Administrative Capacity +30%

Happiness -10%

Defense Army Morale +20%

Defense Army Damage +10%

Army Build Speed +33%

Assault Army Morale -20%

Assault Army Damage -10%

Happiness +10%

Sublight Speed +10%

Leader Upkeep -30%

Happiness +20%

Leader Lifespan -20

Leader Pool Size +1

Leader Upkeep -30%

Leader Level Cap +1

Happiness +5%

Monthly Unity -10%

Building Upkeep +10%

District Upkeep +10%

Monthly Unity +15%

Army Morale +20%

Leader Pool Size +3

Maximum Rivalries +5

Home Territory Fire Rate +30%

Trust Cap -30

Cannot be removed or added after the start of the game

Trust Growth +25%

Trust Cap +50

Administrative Capacity +100

Starbase Influence Cost -30%

Governing Ethics Attraction -50%

Edict Duration -50%

Society Research Speed +20%

Colony Development Speed -25%

Administrative Capacity -20

Cannot be removed or added after the start of the game

Ship Upgrade Cost -20%

Sublight Speed +20%

Evasion +10%

Survey Speed +20%

Anomaly Research Speed +20%

Anomaly Discovery Chance -10%

Ship Weapons Damage +20%

Ship Upkeep -20%

Naval Capacity +50

Sublignt Speed -20%

Evasion -10%

Monthly Energy Credits +10%

Energy Weapon Damage +10%

Energy Weapon Attack Speed +10%

Monthly Minerals -10%

Ship Fire Rate +20%

Ship Weapons Damage +10%

Armor Hit Points -5%

Shield Hit Points -5%

Market Fee -5%

Trade Value +15%

Edicts Cost +30%

Unity +5%

Monthly Influence +0.5

Diplomatic Upkeep +50%

Leader Exp Gain -25%

Society Research Speed +20%

Pop Government Ethics Attraction +50%

Citizen Happiness +5%

Country Leader Pool +1

Immigration Pop Growth -50%

Stability +25

Pop Happiness +20%

Crime -50%

Pop Political Power -95%

Amenities -50%

Faction Influence Gain -50%

Can't Use With 'Crime Heaven'

Stablity +30

Trade Protection +5

Diplomatic Influence Cost -50%

Empire Sprawl Penalty -30%

Amenities -20%

Ethics Shift Chance -50%

Leader Experience Gain -25%

Trade Value -30%

Can't Use With 'Moral Enforcement'

Pop Growth From Immigration +50%

Ethics Shift Chance +50%

Piracy Growth +3

Amenities +20%

Leader Experience Gain +25%

Trade Value +20%

Stablity -10

Diplomatic Influence Cost +30%

Empire Sprawl Panalty +50%


Adminstrative Cap +10

Empire Sprawl from Branch Office -10%

Leader Pool -1

Citizen Happiness -5%

Cost of Ships -10%

Army Upkeep -10%

Army Damage -10%

Branch Office Value 25%

Overall Happiness -10%

Subject Power Penalty -20%

Citizen Happiness +5%

Trade Value +20%

Administrative Cap -10

Naval Capacity 5%

Can build private colony ships

Subject Power Penalty -20%

Empire Sprawl from Branch Office -15%

Branch Office Value 10%

Naval Capacity -20%

Add building "Interplanetary Trade Center" addes +2 Adminstrative, +1 Executive jobs.

v16 - Released 2023-11-30
v15 - Released 2023-09-13
v14 - Released 2023-05-13
v13 - Released 2023-03-17
v12 - Released 2022-12-03
v11 - Released 2022-09-23
v10 - Released 2022-05-21
v9 - Released 2022-02-25
v8 - Released 2021-11-24
v7 - Released 2021-09-14
v6 - Released 2021-04-20
v5 - Released 2021-04-16
v4 - Released 2021-04-16
v3 - Released 2020-11-20
v2 - Released 2020-11-01




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