More Policies Pack





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 This mod is updated for game version 2.61[/h1] The mod version below, is just the version of the mod itself and what stage it is at in its development! [h1] [i]If you like the mod, please upvote and favorite! :D[/i] [/h1] [h1] Current Mod Version: 3.47 [/h1] [h1] Credits [/h1] Nemzio helped alot with not only the concept of having the policies effect intergalactic law breach, but also helped brainstorm and did a bunch of work helping me out internally! +ALot for 3.44 *Nemzio has been learning code! [h1] News Information: [/h1] Massive re-balance to all policies! Changed AI_Weights for Edicts A bunch of new policies! State Logistics | Authority Laws | Worker Schedule | Rights of Nobility Assembly Endorsement | Society Ethos | Social Policy | Civilian Privileges Military Privileges | Gender Policy | Transgender Policy | Inter Racial Policy 3.47 - fixed a cost error for medium spy network [h1] Description: [/h1] This mod adds a whopping 74 new policies! [Version 3.44!] They are somewhat "balanced" but very expensive at times. There is no way you can afford them all.. That's why this mod also has new edicts! 22 of them in total. They are very expensive down the line, but give big bonuses to country-wide production. The edicts on their own are very powerful to be honest, but as stated before, this mod is more or less a RP / Play tall, type of mod. It is expected that people will use the +% modifiers to afford more policies. Certain policies are now banned via resolutions from the galactic community! You can now be in breach of galactic law depending on your policies. [i]//This mod was made for myself, with the ideal of RP and playing tall. I decided to share it though, since I use so many wonderful mods off the workshop myself! I do hope you enjoy the mod! :)//[/i] [h1] Compatibility: [/h1] This mod touches the 00_resolutions file in the common esolutions folder If you want a version that does not touch that,Version Without Galactic Extras[/url] [h1] Policies Added: [/h1] [b][Leader Stuff][/b] - Executive Command - Leader Training - Leader Loyalty Program [b][Military Stuff][/b] - Alert Level - National Service - Military Spending - Honor of Service - Ship Construction Quality - Ship Armor Quality - Ship Shields Quality - Fleet Focus - Orbital Bombardment Power - Prohibition of Piracy - War on Piracy - Soldier Equipment Quality - Army Training [b][Economy Stuff][/b] - Provincial Investments - Acquisition of Wealth - Amenities Quantity - Amenities Quality - Transportation - Business Grants - Entertainment - Rural Development Grants - Farming Subsidies - Art Subsidies - Mercantile Trade - Trade Quality [b][Science Stuff][/b] - Space Program - Science Directive - University Grants [b][Government Stuff][/b] - Authority Laws - Speech Campaigns - Rights of Nobility - Military Privileges - Civilian Privileges - Spy Network - Secret Police - Property Rights - Domestic Policy - State Logistics - Worker Schedule - Worker Equipment Standards - Central Envoy Affairs Department - Assembly Endorsement - Administrative Capability - Administrative Staff - Bureaucratic Staff - Artificial Nobility - Religious Officials - Society Ethos - Social Policy - Gender Policy - Transgender Policy - Inter Racial Policy - War Efforts - Healthcare Quality - Faction Loyalty Program - Citizenship Tests - National Monorail System - Empire Storage [b][Enviroment Stuff][/b] - Pollution Controls - Recycling - Waste [b][Foreign Stuff][/b] - Superpower Relations - International Trade - Foreign Relations - Economic Trade Treaty - Technological Supremacy - International Arms Treaty - National Social Communications - Representative Delegations - Racial Tension - Import Tariffs


v2 - Released 2020-04-18




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