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This is a personal fantasy setting mod with my StarView system and civilization. The core systems of my setting are StarView, Ankh, Moolnao, Dyson Sphere (a mostly complete but not habitable-finished dyson sphere), and Fantastica. The StarView system and the few remaining systems (not dismantled into materials for using in the dyson sphere) in the open cluster that they are a part of orbit outside the galactic disc just outside of its globular cluster halo.

Mod has 3 modes:

*Country + Initializer - creates starview extragalactic cluster and moves your homeworld to NatureTech. Replaces the country with the flag with scripted customizations (cheat-y).

*Initializer only - creates starview extragalactic cluster and moves your homeworld to NatureTech. NatureTech remains ocean regardless of your species preference though. NatureTech is a watery mid-planet (or oceanic gas dwarf).

*Neither - integrated mod parts and secondary / side changes only (always in effect). The Starview cluster spawns empty, wormhole-linked to a random system.

Starview cluster systems are extragalactic! And you will start in this extragalactic cluster! Some minor side effects that cannot be overcome. Most resolve after just one game day. Some take a full game month. The governor needs to be reassigned after the sectors re-adjust on the second game day. Everything should be resolved by the start of the second game month.

The dyson sphere is not intended to be immediately colonized. You have to 'finish' it. It is now a ruined gargantuan (quad) ringworld from the mod "Gigastructural Engineering & NMore" for the unfinished dyson sphere. This mod will run without gigastructural engineering, but the dyson sphere system will contain just the large purple star and nothing else if Gigastructural engineering is not present.

Multiplayer support: Only one instance of the starview extragalactic cluster is supported. Single player, or if multiplayer, only one player gets the cluster. Attempting to have multiple empires with the StarView system initializer will have undesirable results.

This is a personal fantasy mod being made available to the public. This mod has notable cheat factor to it if you use the StarView system intializer and country - the StarView race, country, home system and surrounding systems are quite advantaged. If you use the StarView system initializer, it is recommended that all AI empires be advanced starts (which are boosted in the mod) or it may be too easy to be fun.

This mod incorporates pieces of one other, old mod.

*Useful stations - Only core bulwark and citadel stations and re-enablement of defense stations and defense fortresses

Realistic ships and Utopia expanded are no longer integrated

This mod meshes with tactical ship sections and New Ship Classes Season 6 with some issues.. Music, flag, emblem, prescripted empire, UI / 1080p, hyperlane, expanded tradition, border, and galaxy map graphics mods all work with this mod no problem. Also generic event mods work if they don't alter game_start or crisis events.

Strongly recommended, but will work without (Dyson sphere system will have star-only without Gigastructures).

There are a number of side changes in the mod

*Ascension Perks - Double value of evolutionary mastery perks. Can choose all perks from evolutionary mastery, psionic, and synthetic paths

*All Megastructures - Can build multiple megastructures simultaneously, can build more than one.

*Mega-art-installation - unity increased, can build more than one.

*Science Nexus - Percentage research boost limited to uploaded leader mind (since this only happens with the first), static research bonuses increased, can build more than one

*All hostile, special, and leviathan special systems always come up on 1000+ star galaxies (mildly more probable on smaller)

*Planet Classes - New planet class groups. Clone pc_ringworld_habitable for the Dyson sphere (size 100)

*More race points and picks for all pop types. 8 ethics points (vs 3). Player and AI.

*Added species trait extremely intelligent and extremely venerable. Intelligent and erudite can be both selected.

*Added benign erudite explorers personality, to allow pacifist explorers.

*Un-upgraded starbase outposts - Outposts can have one module and one building. Modules limited to weapons and hangars. Build cost increased from 100 to 250.

*Upgraded starbases - More buildings & modules. Energy credit maintenance notably increased for larger starbases.

*Titans - Relaxed limit & ratio.

*Civilian vessels - Can be designed but also must be upgraded manually like military ships

*Resources - Increase influence storage capacity from 1000 to 10000. Increase basic and manufactured resource storage capacity, Increase market_amount on most resources.

*Technology - All weights and factors of 0 changed to 0.1 to make all techs eventually researchable

*Administrative Efficiency repeatable tech adds 20 admin capacity per level instead of 15

*Agrarian Utopias technology benefit does not require agrarian idyll civic (all other rural housing benefits continue to require it).

*Crisis: Multiple crisis. Multiple simultaneous crisis (must be different type). More aggressive reinforcements.


   -More system and galaxy zoom steps. More camera pitch range.

   -Tech slider max from 5x to 10x.

   -More empire min spacing (large 1000 star galaxy will only accommodate 20 AI empires including fallen).

   -Awakened fallen empires accrue decadence slower.

   -More habitable planet deposits on average.

   -Higher min system size, higher ship sublight speed.

   -Less hyperlane trimming (I hate hyperlane limitations).

   -Longer science ship survey time.

   -Younger leaders (from 28-50 to 20-40; 18-26 to 16-24 for heirs).

   -Slower (halved) old leader death chance increase.

   -Ethics points from 3 to 8.

   -Beef up advanced empire starts.

   -More common anomalies (double).

   -Base admin capacity from 30 to 40.

   -Empire sprawl from districts and owned systems halved.

   -Empire sprawl tech cost penalty increased (equal to traditions).

   -Remove tech cost handicap for awakened fallen empires.

   -Trade deal length from 5 to 100 years (vs 10-30).

   -12 ascension perk slots.

   -Higher min gateway distance.

   -Faster experimental subspace navigation (from 3x to 2x).

   -Ship alloy maintenance halved.

   -Remove awakened fallen empire maintenance reduction.

   -Faster strike craft regen.

   -Faster non-combat shield regen.

   -Max evasion from 100% to 200%.

   -Veteran and elite XP threshold reduced to 500/2500.

   -Mildly faster colony development (and cost).

   -Base influence cost of outpost reduced.

   -Outpost distance influence cost penalty increased with higher max

   -Added 6th market trade quantity tier (500x).

   -Increased market fluctuation and slower renormalization.

   -Internal market fees lower (but still very high - 100% instead of 200%).

   -Less emergency FTL wait time

The cover-art is from a DreamChaser RPG kickstarter award (it was published in the PnP RPG rulebook). Artist is Steve Stark. RPG designer is Peter Petrusha

v6 - Released 2021-05-23
v5 - Released 2021-04-22
v4 - Released 2020-11-04
v3 - Released 2020-05-17
v2 - Released 2020-04-19




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