Star Trek New Horizons Terran Empire Discovery Era UI +Music





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This is Terran Empire UI and immersion-y mod for Stellaris Star Trek: New Horizons with main UI elements in the Discovery Era of the Terran Empire for look and feel. No game parameters are changed other than those that support cosmetic changes and no ship models were changed from the iconography of their Terran Era(s) as developed by the ST:NH team. This is not an official NH mod. Compatible with 3.0.4 and the latest ST:NH – as of this writing. I drew inspiration from UED Black Raven’s fine mod, but recolored or redrew nearly all the files to reflect DIS era iconography and sourced my files from the official updated ST:NH Federation UI mod by Cutter Slade or went to the default ST:NH (or Stellaris) files when needed. I also used Danzig’s fine Discovery Terran Logo in some places. The DIS logo itself is adapted from Gazomg Trek Art. Some additional immersion-y details include: • 69 Terran Loading Screen Quotes from the scripts of TOS, DS9, ENT, and DIS that include MU/Terran plots or characters. • Added Mirror Lorca, Burnham, and Tilly portraits. • Terran ship and mood loading screens for start of game. • Music and anthems from the ENT and DIS mirror episodes. • A mirrored Earth terrestrial map and the renaming of Earth to Terra, though to be fair it is not clear if Discovery made the reversed Earth canon with its update of the universe, though it likely did. • Changed the ‘friendly’ green main screen ship icons to purple. Green is a soft color for useless Prime peaceniks that do not even make good slaves. • Additionally, all the resource and primary text colors are shades of purple, like finely delivered bruises. Purple details are certainly their thing, as seen on DIS MU ships. • Various ship or station textures/buttons in the UI were changed from green to purple. Do not worry, it is not overwhelming. • Black primary map border color with blood red secondary color (the border color seems to kick in after the first save for some reason. If anyone knows why, please say in comments. Game mechanic?). • IMO, the Terran logo looks better against a black background than a red one. If you wish to change this, switch the colors in the file: STH_MirrorUniverse_effects.txt. • Yellow-Gold System Hexagons for Terran Empire owned systems (or weak/neutral soon to be conquered neighbors). The bright green … well you know. I have only tested this with various camera mods and the official ST:NH mod, nothing else. Also, with all the available Stellaris DLC’s as well I believe. Thanks for looking and/or downloading and as Terran Spock would say to enemies, “Die quickly and be forgotten”


v2 - Released 2021-09-06




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