Expanded Game Options





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This mode extend or options in game every option in the game the slider now has ability to go past move up and down in scale out side of the ranges that paradox setup for it.

so you can have less habitable planets than was was originality slowed in game options you could have a quarter amount half amount fraction of the amount or you could have double or tipple or 5 times more or 10 times more or times less.

it your game move sliders how you want them to be.


More Hyper lanes more and less.

More habitable planets and less.

More or less AI up to 600 total empires and less than default for each map.

more or less advance and less.

More or less - space faring races at start

it also designed so it work with any mod, changes no in game files, it has its own Setup Scenario files

and random name files so chance of conflict with any mod are slim to null

I had to make changes to the System galaxy shapes center it now takes up 5% of the galaxy instead of 30% that is default for the game, this way all stars fall inside the area instead of some being out side where you could not access them then.

it is possible to crash game if you pick more AI empires and primitives than there are planets for them to spawn on, so keep that in mine.


the scenarios now push from 10,000 to 1,500,000 star systems

10000 ->10000 Star Systems and up to 900 AI as requested

30000 -> adds 30,000 star systems




Grand Scale







Very Tiny

Warning some configurations can cause crashing due to limited space with in radius of map or due to spacing of empires example now enough star systems for number of minor, advance, fallen, pre FTL, Marauders, if you have them all maxed could be pushing over 1k AI opponents or maybe even more if you pick like 1k stars number planets will not all be able to be used by them if there is more AI being inputed then there is room planets for them to use it crash for example.

it may be possible to add so many stars systems to static radius of map size paradox uses that it could be possible to not be able to spawn in x number of star system above a certain amount and that may cause crash also.

also amount of habitable planets that you want to generate into game will define in way how many empires or players above get a planet example if you move slider for habitable planets to .05 that means 95% less habitable planets for empires and players be generated which means you may not have enough planets for all the AI players and your self for every one get placed to.

Feature or options are set way they are set mostly due to request by users, it does not mean that I use full settings my self.

so how did I make this mod

so example if you want add a larger system size you make mod using stellaris mod tool it make a folder you create find what you want to change adding a system size you copy one of the files that adds a system size past it you make changes you want and just name file something else and you do not have to change original file at all you did but you renamed there by making a new file and it just ends up adding to the old systems setup scenarios. as along as no one else has picked same name for a one of there files there should never be a conflict.

you can do same thing with galaxy shapes or anything else you can allow paradox game keep what is there and just keep adding to it. and or you can even make smaller take file delete every thing in it but one line u want to change rename file something else like game defines file take all code remove it all take one section you want to change make your change save it rename file DF1 what ever and it just automatically apply that change as along as anther mod does not have same file name should not be a conflict.

-that is paradox mod its all in English paradox made all code all moders do is make changes to it-

once you learn what files hold information you want to change and what folders those are in the create mod tool makes the mod for you and you just create root tree for where file is to be held.

it look like this for my mod

amount 25 files all copys of each other just with small changes change number of stars allowed and radio of the galaxy.

each file also holds the numbers for sliders for adjusting the galaxy setup.

then there is

this file has one which is uses same name as the paradox one but I chose to do this because I did not want to just add a file but rewrite whole paradox file, I thought about seeing if change name of file I just have not done it because there has been no reports of issues so far.

it changes vales of the Ring, Elliptical core systems you can pick, reason I have it in there is because to make room for number of AI in the game that my mood allows I needed to adjust the distance factors of how close systems could be to each other and how small center ring is.

unlike other mods that remove the center make star systems spawn in center I chose not to do that, then u need gfx mod to remove that glow and so forth plus I would have to statistic define how many system spawn in center and I did not want to make that static.

I was like well at center of all galaxy I guess there usually a super massive black hole, but when they look at center they see no light no nothing it just looks dark opposite of what paradox did with center of there they made the black hole glow makes no sense light does not escape a black hole so.

I just change radius of center by custom amount that seemed to work so that every type of system still spawned seemingly correctly with as at least 10k and 5k stars if you go above 10k and things look bit out of line to many star systems and galaxy arms do not look right well not much i can do for that.

I adjusted things as well as I can take into account at least 10k

I kind of wish paradox would break the galaxy file into multiple files like they did with the galaxy scenarios

but they have not and I haven't tested putting a custom galaxy shape in a diff file name sense I am technically over written not adding and I did not want old galaxy shapes with paradox files appearing in game they would caused crashes with the new scenarios i created.

to many star systems default galaxy shapes to hold with settings they used.

v49 - Released 2023-12-15
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v16 - Released 2021-08-22
v15 - Released 2021-04-17
v14 - Released 2021-04-15
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v10 - Released 2020-10-29
v9 - Released 2020-10-29
v8 - Released 2020-10-29
v7 - Released 2020-06-25
v6 - Released 2020-04-07
v5 - Released 2020-03-25
v4 - Released 2020-03-24
v3 - Released 2020-03-24
v2 - Released 2020-03-17




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