Superstructures for Real Space by ma_ko





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This mod adds 9 Superstructures. Why only “super”… because they're the beginning of the megastructure engineering of your species.


"Everyone has to start small"


But the the advantage is, superstructures are available at earlier stages of the game. This aims at adding more depth to the midgame. The prerequisite for superstructures is the starbase level 4 which unlocks 3 separate technologies which need to be researched individually, as the superstructures are devided in 3 classes (Society, Egineering and Physics).


What do they do:

"Planet Cracker" : Mine entire planets for resources.

"Giant's Igniter" : Turn gas giants into fusion reactors.

"Orbital Agricultural Ring" : Turn a moon into an orbital greenhouse.

"Atmospheric Sculptor Satellite" : Transform dwarf planets into habitable worlds.

"Stellar Foundry" : Utilize magnetic fields to power an orbital foundry.

"Orbital Fabricator" : Exploit an asteroid belt to produce consumer goods.

"Lunar AI" : Turn a moon into a massive CPU.

"Defense Nexus" : Increase the defensive capabilities of your empire.

"Wormhole Research Initiative" : Allows fast travel between two Wormhole Research Initiatives (Black Holes/Quasars) or artifical Wormholes.

"Protoplanetary Matter Extractor" : Extract rare ressources from stars inside a nebula.

"Superstructure Congress" : Ban or allow the construction of certain Superstructures in your galaxy


Building a “Structure” works as follows:

Stage 1: is the construction of platform/scaffold (costs alloys and influence; upkeep is in energy)

Stage 2: activating the structure (costs alloys; upkeep is in energy)

Stage 3: demolishes the structures (costs 200 energy)




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