Dynamic Speeds





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[b] Do you wish speed in Stellaris was more…..DYNAMIC? Well this is the Mod for you! [/b] In basegame Stellaris, it can be dreadfully slow to travel between systems. Even in the late game it can take years to travel from one side of your empire to another. However, even the early game can feel like an all out rush, destroying the importance of exploration. This mod aims to fix such issues by changing the base hyperspace speed, windup times, sublight speeds, and other modifiers for both FTL drives and thruster engines. [h1] EXPLORE [/h1] In the current meta, early game can feel like too much of a rush. Usually after two decades, your science ships will get blocked in by some damn xeno-flith pacifist foxes and you won’t care about any anomaly updates. With Dynamic Speeds, you will not start with FTL engines researched, and early game experimental FTL & sublight tech will be slow. And I mean SLOW. Afterall, these new Hyperdrive gismo's are groundbreaking new tech, Right? As a result, you can mass produce science ships to actually explore the stars. [h1] EXPAND [/h1] As time progresses, new technology will allow for better FTL drives and sublight engines. By Early-Midgame, expect travel speeds comparable to basegame Stellaris. This period of time should mark the colonization phase of your empire, as one can now effectively defend new colonies in a timely manner with your fleet. However, FTL speeds will still be too slow to effectively carry out quick offensive wars. [h1] EXPLOIT [/h1] By mid-late game, you should have access to advanced hyperdrives or early jump drives. Such increases in speed will allow you to administer vast regions of space and respond to problems within a reasonable amount of time. Need to reinforce a border skirmish from across the empire? Well now with Dynamic Speeds, it may take you a few weeks, rather than a few years. [h1] EXTERMINATE [/h1] Late game tech opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Increased FTL jump distances and reduced windup times allow you to effectively reach your frontlines in days rather than years. Launch Blitzkrieg Attacks against Foes, Respond quickly to an End Game Crisis, or Defend Allies in what will feel like a true Galactic Community. Should be compatible with any mods that don’t modify the Defines speeds, Thrusters, or FTL Drives. [b] Compatible with NSC2 [/b]


v2 - Released 2020-03-23




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