Guaranteed Relic Theft





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Do you hate the idea of squabbling AI destroying all the relics in your galaxy? Love the idea of gathering every single relic into your own treasure hoard? Then this is the mod for you!


This mod simply changes the chance of the relic theft event triggering from 10% to 100%. The event triggers whenever an empire capital planet is captured, it was recently bug fixed by the devs so that it actually happens. Shout out to this obsolete mod which used to fix the bug


Warning: the AI or other players are also guaranteed to steal your relics when your capital planet is captured!


Note 1: this makes the 1.5 modifier to relic theft chance from the Barbaric Despoilers civic irrelevant. (And also a modifier from the new Plunder war goal?)


Note 2: this mod may overwrite/be overwritten by any other mod that affects relic related events from Ancient Relics.


Note 3: the event will only trigger once per capital planet capture and choose a random relic to steal if that empire has multiple relics. (For the basic Conquest wargoal this makes stealing multiple relics tricky as the capital isn't moved until peace is agreed, so you may have to peace out and wait ten years to declare war again in order to steal a second relic. But if you have a Total War casus belli you can just invade the capital before other planets to steal multiple relics!)


*Now updated for Patch 3.9.3!*


v12 - Released 2023-10-26

v11 - Released 2023-06-06

v10 - Released 2023-04-12

v9 - Released 2023-03-19

v8 - Released 2022-12-01

v7 - Released 2022-09-28

v6 - Released 2022-07-01

v5 - Released 2022-05-23

v4 - Released 2022-05-22

v3 - Released 2022-05-22

v2 - Released 2021-12-12




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