Psionic Cyborgs





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This mod allows you to select multiple ascension paths - ie. you can create genetically-perfected psionic cyborgs.


In vanilla, you have to choose between the biological (genetic engineering) path, the technological (cyborg/synthetic) path and the spiritual (psychic/psionic) path. However, I don't think that there's any good reason for these paths to be completely mutually exclusive - hence this mod.


Full list of ascension perk lockouts:

  • Engineered Evolution - Not permitted for most machine empires. (Permitted for Rogue Servitors and Driven Assimilators.)
  • Evolutionary Mastery - Not permitted for most machine empires. (Permitted for Rogue Servitors and Driven Assimilators.)
  • The Flesh Is Weak - Not permitted if you are a machine empire or a biological hive mind.
  • Synthetic Evolution - Not permitted if you are a machine empire, or a biological hive mind, or if you have "Mind Over Matter". (The latter is justified because various in-game events make it clear that you lose your soul - and hence all psionic powers - if you become synths.)
  • Mind Over Matter - Not permitted if you are a machine empire, or a biological hive mind, or if you have "Synthetic Evolution" (see above).
  • Transcendence - Not permitted if you are a machine empire, or a biological hive mind, or if you have "Synthetic Evolution" (see above).


Additional features:


This mod adds a free edict that fixes your leaders' traits. (Because sometimes they don't get the correct combination of psychic, cyborg and/or erudite.) The AI will not use this edict (because: it's free, so the AI would probably try to use it continuously, which would probably cause performance issues).

  • BONUS FEATURE! This edict now also adds the "brain slug" trait to all relevant leaders. If all of your pops are brain-slugged, you can now ensure that all of your leaders are too!


The maximum possible species modification cost reduction from ascension perks is fixed at 50%. (This makes it significantly more difficult to stack species modification cost reduction to 100% and beyond.) For example:

  • If you are a machine empire with Synthetic Age and pick Engineered Evolution then you will receive a permanent empire modifier that increases species modification cost by 16.5%. Your overall species modification cost modifier is now -41.5% ( = - 33% - 25% + 16.5% )
  • If your next pick is Evolutionary Mastery then you will receive another permanent empire modifier that also increases species modification cost by 16.5%. Your overall species modification cost multiplier is now -50% ( = - 33% - 25% + 16.5% - 25% + 16.5% )


Recommended Companion Mods:

  • 16 Ascension Perk Slots - This gives you a little more freedom to indulge your psionic cyborg desires!


Known Bugs:

  • The capped species modification cost is only applied at the moment that you pick the relevant ascension perk. If you installed this mod and picked the relevant perks before this update, there is (and will be) no fix. Enjoy your ridiculously-low species modification cost!


Technical info / compatibility:

  • This mod will not be compatible with any other mod that alters any of the 6 ascension perks listed above. It is also incompatible with any mod that alters the "Synthetic Age" perk.
  • The psionic, cyborg and erudite species traits have had their mutual lockouts removed. Therefore, this mod will not be compatible with any mod that alters these traits.
  • No other vanilla files are altered. So, apart from the exceptions noted above, this mod should be fully compatible with every other mod.
  • It is safe to add this mod to a game that's in progress.
  • It should be safe to remove this mod from a game that's in progress. There will be some minor cosmetic issues (eg. the species modification cost increases noted above will become blank/nonfunctional empire modifiers), and incompatible ascension perks will not be removed.



v1.2 - Released 2022-01-05

Fixed the zip




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