interstellar communism





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What is Soviet power? What is the essence of this new regime that most countries are still unwilling or unable to understand? The essence of the new regime, which increasingly appeals to the workers of every country, consists in the fact that in the past the country was always run by the rich or by the capitalists, but now for the first time the country is run by the most numerous class that suffers the oppression of capitalism. Even in the most democratic and free republic, as long as the rule of capital and the private ownership of land are still retained, the country is always managed by a very small number of people, nine out of ten of whom are capitalists or rich people. For the first time in the world, we in Russia established state power in this way: without the participation of exploiters, only workers and working peasants formed a mass organization - the Soviet, and all the power of the country was handed over to the Soviet. This is why no matter what countries in the world Although the representatives of the bourgeoisie slandered Russia, the word "Soviet" has become not only an easy-to-understand word throughout the world, but also a popular word, a word favored by workers and all working people. This is why regardless of communism How the supporters of the Soviet regime are persecuted in various countries around the world is why the Soviet regime is bound to and will triumph all over the world in the near future. We clearly know that there are still many shortcomings in the institutions of our Soviet regime. The Soviet regime does not It is not a panacea. It cannot cure the problems of the past at once, nor can it eliminate ignorance, ignorance, the consequences of barbaric wars and the legacy of predatory capitalism, but it provides all working people with equality and leadership. The power to call the shots means that all exploiters must understand the greatness of anti-exploitation power and provides the possibility of transformation to socialism. It enables the oppressed to truly stand up and gradually take control of the management of the entire country, economy and production. , Soviet power is the road to socialism found by the masses, so this road is correct and invincible. 




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