Stellaris Empire Alteration Scripts





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This mod includes a list of custom scripts that alter existing empires in your current playthrough. 

Also included are a number of custom empires (spawn not enabled by default--they must be duplicated so they can spawn in your game) designed to help create interesting gameplay scenarios. One set of these custom empires pits a Materialist lost colony against a powerful Spiritualist scion, while the other set pits Egalitarians against both Spiritualist and Materialist scions. Are you ready to know what it's like to be 'alone' in the galaxy?

Excerpt from README.txt:

Several effect scripts, intended to be run at game start, are bundled with this mod. A description of the effect files follows below.

Hive minds get the Devouring Swarm civic. Every non-gestalt empire is replaced by an empire of the same species that are often Fanatic Purifiers, but may instead generate as a xenophobic megacorporation or a xenophobic empire that are Pompous Purists. This script excludes empires that start in federations, and the player's empire, although these scripts can be changed. If an empire has the country flag "exclude_empire_from_setupscript", it will not be affected by this script. Note that this script can be run multiple times to generate different empires. This is useful because empires will often generate in a bugged fashion, with absent names, civics, ethics, and authority.

sciongalaxysetup1.ini: Prepares the galaxy's empires for alteration by sciongalaxysetup2.ini. This script and its partner will alter the galaxy to consist completely of scions. Before these scripts are run however, the player should use observer mode (the "observe" console command) to note that there is at least 1 materialist or spiritualist fallen empire, since they are not always guaranteed to spawn with a scion empire for some reason. In addition, make sure that there is at least 1 custom empire with the scion origin that is spawning. These custom empires should have the "first_scion_start" flag. Note that this mod comes with several prescripted empires that fulfill all of these requirements; if you would like to create your own scion galaxy with custom empires, feel free to edit the empires bundled with this mod.

If one empire has the lost colony origin, and an empire of the same species has the "first_scion_start_advanced" flag, this script will also attempt to merge the auto-generated advanced empire of the same species, to the empire with "first_scion_start_advanced". It will do this by giving all of the random mother empire's colonies and starbases to the scion empire, and create a hyperlane between the mother empire's capital and the scion empire's capital. This can create a bizarre-looking galaxy, with a hyperlane straddling extremely long distances (sometimes even crossing the galaxy center), so it may not suit everybody's tastes.

Note that this script file should only be run once.

 It will either replace existing (AI-controlled) empires with another empire, or alter existing empires (changing only their ethics). If only one fallen empire with spiritualist or materialist ethics is present, all suitable empires will become their scion. If both fallen empires are present, then empires will become a scion of one or the other randomly. If neither fallen empire is present (which can happen even if a scion-origin country spawns), then this effect script will not work.

* forbid_scion_start: excludes an empire from being affected by this script.

* forbid_scion_general_overwrite: prevents an empire from being replaced by another empire. This is useful for helping to preserve an empire's "identity". Note that this flag is unnecessary for an empire controlled by a player, which will always be excluded from being replaced.

* forbid_scion_empire_renaming: prevents an empire with forbid_scion_general_overwrite (or a player empire) from being renamed. Since the default behavior is for the script to rename your empire if it becomes a scion, this might be useful if you wanted the empire to become a scion, but already planned on its name.

Note that this script will also give the fallen empires with scions the "franchising" megacorporation civic. The reason for this is to prevent the great number of scions the fallen empire will have from affecting subject loyalty. The presence of this civic may break one's immersion, but it is one of the few ways to prevent number of subjects from affecting loyalty. This part of the script, like any other part, may be removed if desired.




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