Expanded Gestalts: Forgotten Queens





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Hive Expansion Pack

- New Mainscreen

- 4 New Rooms

- 2 New Origins

- 8 New Civics

- 2 New Planet types

- 6 New Ascension Perks

- 4 New Personalities

- 4 New Portraits

- New Advisor

- New Sound Effects

- New jobs

- New events

- New districts

- New desicions

- New planetary features

- New unique colossus weapon

- And More!


Requires Cloning

Unlocks Building: Genesis Chambers that allows hive minds to assemble pops of their main species.

Research option gained: Genetic Chimerism. Allows you to build Chimera Armies


Requires Ectogenesis

Genesis Chambers can now assemble pops from any species

Biotrophy citizenship enabled (Biomass)

Mutagenic Evolution modifier added, which grants bonus per unique species

Research option gained: Genetic Alterations

Mind Coalescence

Requires Confluence of Thought

The latent psionic abilities of our species will be awakened.


Requires Mind Coalescence

The Hive will unlock their full psionic potential.


This hive is ruled by an Overmind, that control and manipulate Remote drones.

Start the game with all Remote drones Pops (secondary species) with Full citizenship, Drone living standard that are Extremely Adaptative

Only members of the Main species can be Leaders

Members of the Main species can only be Leaders

Can always Assimilate biological pops


This Hive is an assemblage of a giant living organism that hosts many other symbiotic species living in it.

Homeworld is a Hive World

Habitability preference is set to Hive World, making other types of planets undesirable.

Colony ships are more expensive, but will trigger a process for non-ideal planets which will slowly turn the planet into a Hive World

Biotech integrated

starting civic only

Part of the crew, part of the ship. The hive integrates themselves with their technology, making it impossible for other empires to understand them.

Your ships do not generate debris, so your tech cannot be stolen

Daily Hull Regen: 0.20%

Daily Armor Regen: 0.20%

Mutualistic Behavior

starting civic only

Mutualism plays a key part in ecology and so has this Hive learned to thrive by cooperating with other species from its home planet, now looking at the stars for new species to cooperate with.

Can establish Branch Offices without Commercial Pacts

Cannot use Unrestricted Wars policy

Cannot engage in Indiscriminate Orbital Bombardment

Refugees are always welcome

Can always Assimilate biological pops

Can form Migration Pacts

Can not Purge nor Enslave pops

Available Envoys: +1

Organic Structures

starting civic only

This hive creates living structures and space ships by metamorphosing their larva at will.

Start the game with Organic Ship set (Will override any shipset you select).

Ships, Buildings and Outposts cost Food and Larvae to build in return of reducedAlloys and Minerals.

A Brood Queen job added in every colony and every 50 pops

Brood Focus enabled

Daily Hull regen increased by +10%

Farmer output: +2

Miner output: -1

Parasitic Embryos

starting civic only

This hive uses other Organic bodies to boost their Pop growth

Allows your empire to Process organics, infecting them and giving birth to new pops of your Main species when killed.

Has the 'Demand Sacrifice' casus belli on all other empires, which allows Parasitic Embryos to subjugate them to offer Pops as tribute.

+500% Slave market cost

Autonomous Drones

This Hive allows its drones to have some sort of freedom and independence from the Collective. While still part of the Collective, it is possible to distinguish one from another and easy to identify personality traits on each individual drone.

Unlocks the Self Awareness which allows unemployed drones voluntarily resettle themselves to suitable planets with jobs and housing within our empire

Diplomatic Weight from Pops: +20%

Pop Growth from Immigration: +10%

Focused Collective

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. This hive has the ability to reconfigure its collective brain synaptic connections at will to shine in different areas of expertise.

Provides the Research Focus policy to focus and redirect the collective's priorities between Society, Physics and Engineering research.

Mycelium connection

The hive has a deep connection with space itself, it is interlinked with the very fabrics of space and can somewhat communicate with it

+20% anomaly discovery chance

+1 ship sensor and hyperlane range

+2 planet sensor and hyperlane range

Natural Attraction

Like bees are attracted to flowers, the hive excels at gathering food from Farms and Livestock

+1 food from farmers

+100% food/minerals from livestock




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