Aeternite Birch World Origin





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Aeternite Birch World Origin
This mod features an Origin to play as (almost) the Aeternum from Gigastructural Engineering in the Hexagon Cluster, with the ability to build Aeternite Psykofabricators on Shrouded Worlds and a relic to forge Aeternite warships from pure Shroud energy.

You have an Origin replicates the conditions of Aiondia and a Prescripted Country mimics the Aeternum that start in Hexagon Cluster of the Galactic Core. The Origin also features an inaccurate replica of the Aeternum’s original homesystem, with a Warp Storm going on and several Celestial Warships hiding within the system.

At the start of the Orign, you have the option to choose several components on Aeternite Warships – Default, Blokkat, Lux and Almighty, with two requires ACOT and SBTG to be available, with appropriate traits, warships, populations, megastructures and modifiers will generate after the first month, with Almighty allows this Origin to contact with The Light.

The first two choices will generate its variant of two Systemcrafts, and the last two choices will generate its variant of Herculeans. Particularly, the Almighty (Flowing Light) will generate its duplication of the Omega Empire’s megastructures, with reduction on unnecessary modifiers and change on essential modifiers.

The Galactic Core will connect to the galaxy after 100 years or after midgame, or can be manully connected via an Edict.

The Origin will feature its unique colony types on the said Birch World, unique armies based on the original Aeternum, and two megastructures, one can be built on almost every celestial body to spawn numerous defense stations, and one can be built on Shrouded Worlds to spawn fleets after upgrading, which then deletes the megastructure and reduces the size of a Shrouded World.

The Origin has access to Grand Behemoth Planetcrafts (or Prime Planetary Unit) used by the Aeternum duing their golden age (a crude replication requires Standalone Ancient Ship that used the model of War World) that is twice expensive to Behemoth Planetcraft, but with vastly larger arsenal, health and damage that can be built from Behemoth Assembly Planet and War World Megastructure for the Aeternum.

In additional are some minor features,

-        The ability to manually build Aeternite Planetcrafts from Behemoth Assembly Plant, which is cheaper for Aeternum and more expensive to non-Aeternum, with the Aeternite Planetcrafts feature their own Auxiliaries and Utilities (predesigned and cannot be changed).

-        The ability to manullaly build powerful predesigned Aeternite Systemcrafts from Systemcraft Assembler (requires Gigas Stellar Manipulation) that are packed with way more weapons than manual designs can handle.

-        Infinite Carrying Capacity deposit from Carrying Capacity will appear on Void Birch, Stellar Birch and Soul Birch (rewrote an event that causes gamecrash).

-        Minor fix on The Light’s event to properly spawn Assault Fleet (as they were set to be owned by the Stellarborne Crisis for some reason).

Hexagon Cluster
Inner Systems

Neutron Star

An empty system to build a Neutron Forge and a Nidavellir Hyperforge.

3 Single Star Systems

Perfect for Hyperstructural Assembly Yard, Matrioshka Brain, Dyson Sphere or the Nicoll-Dyson Beam, with one system houses a Primitive Civilization.

2 Trinary systems

Perfect for Steller Lifting and harvesting for Planetary Mass.

Outer Systems

Three systems with a Black Hole and several barren planets can be terraformed to build Maginot Worlds and Black Holes can be used to build a Matter Decompressor, HRAE-MC, a EHOF or a Penrose Ringworld. (Matter Decompressor cannot be built in systems with habitable planets).

Inspiration and Credit
The Ex-Aeternum Birch World Origin for the initial code to generate the Hexagon Cluster.
v24 - Released 2023-12-21
Significiantly changed the Almighty Aeternum Start: - Instead of slapping Flowing Light components on Aeternum's existing ships, I switched to Stellarborne Ships which are less numerous but should do the job because why keep primitive ships when you can have bigger things? - Duplication of Omega Empire's megastructures will spawn in the core system, with slightly altered modifiers from the original megastructures. - The fleet spawming event via the relic will have different way to spawn fleets if you are Almighty or else. - Another megastructure to build defense stations for Almighty. - Almighty Aeternum will spawn with Omega Empire's armies. - The Stellarborne Ships used by the Almighty Aeternum will be retrofitted with Flowing Light components instead. - Slapped more overflowing dampening components on Almighty Aeternum's Herculeans. - Minor localization changes and fixes.
v23 - Released 2023-12-16
Fixed some localization typos.
v22 - Released 2023-12-15
Choosing Lux Aeternum option at the start shoud also change your flag's colors to yellow.
v21 - Released 2023-12-13
Hofix unable to build Aeternite O Class Systemcraft due to a mistake in conditions.
v20 - Released 2023-12-10
Major Update - New Game Essential: - Fixed what I believed to be most of immersion-breaking issues to this mod. - The Galactic Core connection is now properly fired automatically, or can be manually done via an edict. - Switched the Origin's starting system to an inaccurate replica of the Aeternum's ancient homesystem guarded by several Planetcrafts. - Organic traits will now be properly assigned to the Aeternites and Psykosynthetic will remain untouched by trait-altering event. - Introduced Grand Behemoth Planetcraft - Prime Planetary Unit used by the Aeternites during the invasion of Novians and their golden age (required Standalone Ancient Ship for the necessary techonologies to be available). - Small polishing on localization and few minor changes.
v19 - Released 2023-12-03
Minor Fix: - Added the designs for Defense Platform and Defense Station with Blokkat Component to scripted_effects, meaning the Megastructures to spawn defensive structures should work properly in Blokk Aeternum now.
v18 - Released 2023-12-03
Minor Change: - Blokk Aeternum's Colossus will not use the Star Eater from Celestial Harvesters and instead use the standard Shroud Planet Killer of the Aeternum to create more Shrouded Planets.
v17 - Released 2023-12-02
Minor Update: - Added a Prescripted Country based on the Aeternum, which requires the Ascendant Shipset to match the aesthestic to the original Aeternum.
v16 - Released 2023-12-02
Minor Fix: - Fixed the issue where I incorrectly made non-Aeternite Empires can craft Aeternite Planetcraft when it was not intended to by Giga Devs. The cost to craft an Aeternite Planetcraft for this Origin has been increased to be more expensive than crafting a Behemoth Planetcraft.
v15 - Released 2023-12-02
Major Polishing - Possibly Required a New Game: - Renamed to [Aeternite Birch World Origin] to feature only one Origin, as the Quasar Novian will come in a Submod to isolate independent functions as possible. - No more Aeternite Destroyer or Aeternite Juggernaut when they unintentionally changed the models of even Planetcraft and kept shooting from the star. - Changed scripted_effects to follow closely to original Aeternum. - Pops will acquire all necessary traits after first month. - Added the option to play with Blokkat Components. - Two super-Stellar Systemcrafts will generate when choosing Giga Components. - Granted the ability to make more Aeternite Planetcrafts from Behemoth Assembly Plant. - Granted the ability to make more Aeternite Systemcraft from Systemcraft Assembler. - Almighty Aeternum can use The Light. - Polishing localization. - Polishing events. - More changes.
v14 - Released 2023-11-27
I sure got some sort of Hadean curse and being a perfectionist kept me going back to modding because I cannot tolerate imperfection. 3.10 Update: - Removed the choice for Alpha, Phi, Runic and Stellarite Components. Instead, the Aeternum can choose between Normal, Static Light or Flowing Light (Defaul, Lux Aeternum and Almighty Aeternum). - No more beneficial combat modifier for default components regardless of the difficulty of Aeternum on Gigastructural Menu. - Replaced the copy of Aeternite Psionic Hypersiphon with the original megastructure from Gigastructural. - The relic will cost a hefty amount of Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Light Matter when choosing either Lux Aeternum or Almighty Aeternum. - Almighty Aeternum will have Stellarborne Dyson Sphere. - Almighty Aeternum will have Stellarborne Citadel. - Lux Aeternum and Almighty Aeternum will spawn with the default Birch World as their economy is self-sustainable due to the lack of upkeep from Light Components. - Managed to add supposed traits of the original Aeternum to this Origin but only to a portion of the population, which requires to go Gene-Modding Path until there is enough trait points to modify. - Some other changes. - Still no idea for Hyperquasar Precursor, maybe until the Novian is implemented.
v13 - Released 2023-10-04
Unfortunately, due to complication of setting up the quasar origin, the lack of modding skills and burnout of Stellaris, alongside I am done with my outdated mods that it is about time for me to retire from Stellaris for good. I will leave this mod here for anyone wishes to improve upon, it was a short and memorable return trip, but it is time for me to go now.
v12 - Released 2023-09-24
3.9 Update: - Minor changes as the mod was not majorly affected by 3.9. - Redesigned the Herculeans to use Systemcraft Beam in Titanic Slot. - Removed the rewritten file on Aeternite Titan and Planetcraft to not use Aura any, and only the Aeternite Juggernaut can use Aura. - I was wondering to add the option to play as Lux Aeternum, but decided against it because the Aeternum ships cannot be designed, and it would be better to fight the Stellarborne to acquire it for satisfaction.
v11 - Released 2023-09-10
Ancients of Galactic Core as this mod will likely to feature another Origin in Hyperquasar Core. - Significantly rewrite various parts, only one Relic with different strategic resource demand by starting components. - The lore has been overwritten to be more vague, though you are still the Aeternum in Precursor Birch World Origin. - The number of ships can be created or spawned by megastructures and relic has been considerably reduced. - Switch the Aeternum ships to the default Ascendant ships. - Overwrite the section templates and change the designs of Aeternum ships, which made them to be a bit stronger than before. - Should you choose to start in normal Aeternum designs, a buff modifier will appear depending on the Aeternum difficulty on GE Start Menu. - Katzen Imperium will be more chill on Stellarite and Improbable Difficulty before declaring war on the galaxy. - Some minor changes that I do not remember.
v10 - Released 2023-08-17
Changed Theta Colossus to use Stellarite Planet Cracker.
v9 - Released 2023-08-16
Added a condition to bombardment if you used ACOT bombardments, it should not turn a planet into a Shrouded World. The other bombardment will still turn a world into a Shrouded World on 100% devastation so go ham on cleansing the galaxy of lag. Added a planet event to reduce a planet's size like the original Aeternum, aka substract by three until the planet vanishes from existence. You can use Celestial Forger to make a new planet anyway.
v8 - Released 2023-08-16
Here it is, a completely new mod to play as a pseudo-Aeternum. Read the features from the description, images and ingame lore events.
v7 - Released 2022-04-15
Fixed an error that caused Mining Segment to appear on every planet.
v6 - Released 2022-04-13
Tweaked a few lines to remove some errors in error.log.
v5 - Released 2022-04-12
3.3 Libra Update: - Removed contents from Arcology Habitat and More Habitat Capital. - Removed overwritten vanilla megastructure files. - Disabled AP Civil Industry and Forge Worlds since they are redundant with the introduction of new essential perks in newer versions. - Replaced the requirement to build new megastructures on Master Builders and Mega-Engineering Technology. - New Ringworld Districts have been updated and cleansed of redundant codes from Additional Vanilla Buildings and Production Revolution. - Resources that appear after Planet Cracker exhausting a planet will be more abundant and random.
v4 - Released 2021-04-24
Sorry, although the previous upload was supposed to be the last, but I figured a bit reworking on scripted_trigger to help future people using this mod shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
v3 - Released 2021-04-20
Update to 3.0 Changed and updated things. I have also overwrite habitat and ringworld districts to support Additional Vanilla Buildings. And this is also the last update for this mod.
v2 - Released 2021-03-29
Initial Upload




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