Stronger Orbital Bombardment





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I've glassed a lot of planets in my 4X days and I couldn't help but think Stellaris' orbital bombardment was a little weak. So I went digging through the files and it turns out there are two reasons for this: if you think it's because it's not living up to what the tooltips tell you - well, you WERE right, until they fixed that in 1.6. 


On the other hand, if you think what the tooltips tell you is weaksauce, well, you're still right, and this is probably the mod for you. 


Since Stellaris 2.0 changed basically everything about how orbital bombardment works (along with everything else), this mod is not compatible with 1.9 and below. For a 1.9 legacy version


Updated for 3.7 Canis Minor

Changes from vanilla (NOT ACHIEVEMENT COMPATIBLE): 

Scaled all damage factors (except for Selective's planet damage, raiding's army damage) approximately 3x higher. This means that Devastation ticks and pop death ticks occur faster.

Raised Indiscriminate and Armageddon's pop kill chance higher (until Javarian Pox came out I didn't realise there was any point in raising that number above 1).

Indiscriminate and Raiding stance can now kill or abduct (respectively) the last pop on a planet. However, turning a planet into a Tomb World (rather than an empty habitable planet with a ton of devastation) still requires Armageddon.


Events (this does not overwrite on_action_events.txt, since it defines events action.81 and action.83 in its own file for easier compatibility):


Habitats reduced to 0 pop by bombardment (except Raiding) are destroyed rather than left empty. Similarly, Armageddon bombardment can crack Ringworlds. (requires Apocalypse DLC).

Fanatical Purifiers and Determined Exterminators now gain Unity for each world they kill (for purifiers, when the owner is not of their species and for exterminators, when the owner is organic). It is not necessary to be using Armageddon stance to get the Unity bonus (but why wouldn't you?)

Removing a colony adds a flat amount of war exhaustion to its former owner. Bombing a planet into a tomb world with Armageddon adds more.

Removing a colony from orbit also adds threat, and (for allies of the target, Egalitarians, or Xenophiles) the Genocidal opinion modifier. 


Changed all localisations to match new rules (mostly removing the note about a given stance not being allowed to kill the last pop).


v6 - Released 2023-03-17

Update for 3.7 Canis Minor

v5 - Released 2021-09-15

v4 - Released 2021-09-14

v3 - Released 2021-04-28

v2 - Released 2020-12-24




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