District Overhaul 2 (2.8.X)





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Content added by District Overhaul 2:

  • 40+ new districts
  • Many new jobs and deposits
  • Semi-Random District Generation depending on the planet class, planet subclass and some planet modifiers
  • District Configuration Menu to disable districts from random generation
  • new Housing Districts: Ocean Housing, Ascended Housing, Underground City, Slums
  • new Mining Districts: Low Cost Mining, High Cost Mining, Surface Mining
  • new Farming Districts: Hydroponic Bay, Nature Farm, Ocean Farm, Exotic Farm
  • new Generator Districts: Wind Park, Geothermal Power Plant, Solar Array, Tidal Generator
  • Primary Districts: Nature Reserve, Research Complex, Tourism, Chemical Industry, Gas Refinery, Crystal Mines, Gardens, Eco gardens, Cloning Facility, Robot Assembly, Drone Lab, Archeology
  • Secondary Districts (two tiers): Local Stores, Spaceport, Workshops, Local Industry, Production Hub, Academy, University, Logistics Hub, Bureaucratic District
  • new Ringworld Districts: Asteroid Belt Mining, Universal District
  • technologies and decisions to construct secondary districts
  • Special mechanics for special colonies like resort worlds
  • A new ascension perk that will allow you to construct underground cities
  • A new ascension perk that will allow you to infinitely expand your habitats
  • A new policy to switch between centralized and rural housing

The new district system:

  • Each planet has the basic housing district (city/hive/nexus)
  • Random weighted generation that every planet has a semi-random mining, farming and generator district
  • Primary districts are randomly added to planets to provide special resources (primary districts are those that require deposits)
  • Secondary districts that are choseable via decisions after unlocking the respecitve technology (secondary districts are uncapped and limited to one type per planet)
  • A decision to upgrade your secondary district when you unlock an additional tech and you planet has more than 40 pops to get powerful bonuses
  • Special districts like slums for thrall worlds (those worlds have modified mechanics)
  • Expanded ringworld districts with the asteroid belt mining (counts as a secondary) and a universal district for gestalt empires
  • Ocean districts as a unique mechanic, their deposits reduce the planets max amount of districts, but the districts increase to planets max amout of districts
  • Underground cities as a powerful district locked behind an ascension perk, which grants a one time per planet decision to find suitable caves, in those caves you can constuct cities which won't indirectly reduce the planets possible amount of districts

District Overhaul AI:

  • the district AI has been completely overhauled
  • the AI will build the districts required to stabilize it's economy
  • the AI will prioritize building districts on planets that have relevant positive modifiers on them

Stellaris Origin System:

District Overhaul 2 rebalances some of the Origins in Stellaris. Sometimes this is simply a job rebalance, but especially the remnants origin has been reworked to add new districts to your homeworld




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