"Ages and Splendor Expanded"





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Ages and Splendor Expanded is a mod that aims to enrich the games ages with new content both specific and generic to give a more engaging experience.

- 3 New objectives per age

- 25 new country-specific age bonuses

- New age-specific abilities

1. Court Splendor: Having a ruler with a total skill of 15 will grant +1 Monthly Splendor

2. Court Splendor: Having at least 3 levels 3 advisors will grant +1 Monthly Splendor

3. Ruinous Power: Being bankrupt is not that splendid... -12 Monthly Splendor

4. Age Retainer: Retain one of the past generic Age Abilities until the end of the game

--- Enabled Age by Age [Reformation/Discovery, Absolutism/Reformation, Revolutions/Absolutism Abilities]

--- The cost is 1600 Splendor

--- If you skip the decision in an Age, then the past Age abilities are gon.

--- Country specific Abilities, edict and the abilities that were not replicable are excluded

--- Requirements will still apply for some abilities [Jihad AB limited to only Muslim nations]Age of Discovery

• Exploration Corps: Free Maintenance on Explorers and Conquistadors

• Glorious Renaissance: -1% Prestige Decay

• Ruling Dynasty: -10% Reelection Cost

• Castilian Inquisition: (+3% Missionary Strength vs Heathen)

• Aragonese Consulate of the Sea: (+50% Global Province Trade Power Modifier)

• Cusco/Inca: Nan Qhapam (+15% Movement Speed)

• AQ/QQ: Qoyunlu Feuds (Province War Score Cost -25%)

• Dehli: Hindustani Claims (AE Impact -10%)

• Ethiopia: “Prester John” (-0.5 Inflation Reduction)

• Florence/Tuscany: Tuscan Renaissance (Idea Cost -7.5%)

• Hungary: Hungarian Defense (Fort Defense +35%)

• Malacca/Malaya: Malaccan Spices (Domestic Trade Power +30%)

• Ming: Grand Imperial Projects (Construction Cost -20%)

• Songhai: Timbuktu University (technology cost -10%)

• Vijayanagar: Nayankara (-50% general cost)Age of Reformation

• Jerusalem Ambition: (Catholic, Crusader State); Movement on/off boat +33%, Landing Penalty -2

• Jihad: (Muslim): +10% morale vs Heathen/Heretics

• Confessionalism: (Catholic, not Orthodox nor Coptic)

1. Catholic: -20% Curia Power Cost

2. Reformed: +1 Monthly Fervor

3. All the others: +15% Church Power

• Dharmic Syncretism (Dharmic): Tolerance Heathen 2

• Bavaria: Bavarian Centralization (monthly autonomy change -0.30)

• Brandenburg: Brandenburg War Commissariat (War Taxes Cost -100%)

• Palatinate: Palatine Court (Diplo Relations +2)

• Papal States: Papal Warriors (Land Leader Shock +2)

• Saxony: Saxon Piety (Tolerance of the True Faith +3)

• Switzerland: Swiss Neutrality (Improve Relations +30%)

• Toungoo: Taungu Martial Culture (Infantry Combat Ability +20%)

• Persia: Persian Court (Advisor Costs -30%)Age of Absolutism

• Absolute Government: +0.10 Mandate Growth Modifier, +1 Yearly Absolutism

• Strategic Warfare: -33% Global Recruitment Speed

• Cultural Relativism -50% Promote Culture Cost

• Imperial Control -20% Min Autonomy in Territories

• Centralised State: -50% State Cost in provinces of Onwed, Accepted or Brother Culture [if Cultural Union]

• Ayutthaya Venice of the East (+25% Global Trade Power Modifier)

• All Berbers nations (minus Morocco): Barbary Pirates (+20% LightShip Combat Ability)

• Japan: Japanese Prosperity (-5% Development Cost, +1 Global Prosperity, -0.10 Global Monthly Devastation)

• Morocco: Morrocan Interior (-50% Land Attrition)Age of Revolutions

• Enlightened Governance:

+1 Yearly Legitimacy

+0.5 Republican Tradition

+1 Devotion

+1 Horde Unity

+1 Meritocracy

• Nationalistic Fervor +25% Manpower in Provinces of Owner's Culture (this bonus will take up to a month to update/show)

• Universal Literacy -5% All Power Cost

• Uniformed Education -30% Culture Conversion Cost

• Germany: German Industrialization (Production Efficiency +33%)

• Hanover: Hanoverian Marriages (Yearly Prestige +2)

• Marathas: Maratha Horsemen (Shock Damage +20%)

• Sardinia-Piedmont/Italy: Italian Hegemony (Administrative Efficiency +5%)

• United States: American Minutemen (+50% Reinforce Speed)


v17 - Released 2023-05-05

v16 - Released 2022-10-15

v15 - Released 2022-10-05

v14 - Released 2022-09-16

v13 - Released 2022-07-20

v12 - Released 2022-07-07

v11 - Released 2022-05-13

v10 - Released 2022-04-10

v9 - Released 2022-03-14

v8 - Released 2022-03-04

v7 - Released 2022-02-08

v6 - Released 2022-02-07

v5 - Released 2022-02-06

v4 - Released 2022-01-08

v3 - Released 2021-12-26

v2 - Released 2021-12-11


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