"Peace Treaties Expanded"





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Welcome to Peace Treaties Expanded

This mod adds new peace treaties and Casus Bellis to add more variety to peace offers.

Currently Added

Currently Peace Treaties Expanded adds the following peace options. Some require a special CB or have minor requirements to show up in the peace treaty window (e.g. require a specific army size).

  • Abduct Administrative/Diplomatic/Military Advisor
  • Abduct Cardinal
  • Army Disarmament
  • Ban Slavery
  • Claim Cultural Hegemony
  • Claim Defender of Faith
  • Crush the Mandate
  • Demand Administrative/Diplomatic/Military Aides
  • Demand Slave Soldiers
  • Delegitimize Dynastic Branch
  • Demilitarize Borders
  • Destabilize Nation
  • Divorce of our Consort
  • Divorce of their Consort
  • Dynastic Legitimization
  • Economic Supremacy
  • Enforced Embargo
  • Enforced Marriage
  • Fleet Disarmament
  • Force Administrative/Diplomatic/Military Technology Sharing
  • Force Knowledge Sharing
  • Force Seppuku
  • Give up Cultural Hegemony
  • Host next Imperial Diet
  • Install Antipope
  • Lift Excommunication
  • Military Supremacy
  • Plunder Curia Coffers
  • Protect Religious Bretheren
  • Sacrifice Ruler
  • Seize Fleets
  • Seize Mercantilism
  • Share Maps of Africa/Asia/Europe/North America/Oceania/South America/The New World
  • Spread the True Faith
  • Strengthen the Mandate
  • Stop Slave Raids
  • Transfer Monument
  • Unequal Treaty


  • English localisation included
  • German localisation included
  • French localisation included (English language)
  • Spanish localisation included (English language)


  • EU4 Version: 1.35
  • should be compatible with any DLC
  • should be compatible with most mods
  • mods that change files in common/hegemons will either not work properly or disable the Hegemon Casus Bellis from PTE
  • mods that change the on actions on_new_monarch or on_new_heir (in common/on_actions) will either not work properly or affect the vague claim required for the Fabricate Succession Claim diplomatic action (ET & EMF mods should work fine)
  • mods that change the on action on_raid_coast (in common/on_actions) will either not work properly or disable the Stop Slave Raids casus belli


Thanks to Pascal, Chu and Melvasul for ideas for some of the treaties.

  • Thanks to TqkeOut for the idea for the Cultural Hegemony mechanic.


v13 - Released 2023-05-05

v12 - Released 2023-02-05

v11 - Released 2022-10-04

v10 - Released 2022-09-16

v9 - Released 2022-07-20

v8 - Released 2022-05-13

v7 - Released 2022-03-29

v6 - Released 2022-03-04

v5 - Released 2022-02-01

v4 - Released 2022-01-25

v3 - Released 2021-12-29

v2 - Released 2021-12-11


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