






This nation is a republic between Spain and France. Having the vassal of Oitsil and undecided leanings between England and France in the beginning of 1444. Mods that change the look of the map in the pictures are not included. I hope you enjoy this country of mine! Feel free to give a suggestion to make this mod better, and to rate this on whether you enjoyed it or not.

About Country and Quick History:

Starting out as a republic, the country of Furverlance is a catholic nation with public participation. Though most voters are just men that can read or have been taught by the church. Later the state religion would change to Protestant in 1534. The country's first constitution was adopted in 1700. Being essentially a hard copy for how the government already worked. Putting all the laws and political norms over the years that regulated how the government functioned into one place and simplified. It would adopt the concept of Separation of Powers in an Amendment in 1752, and separation of church and state in 1789. 1791 would see the enactment of the transparency law, which would later become the transparency amendment in the second constitution.

The republic started helping the French republic economically, and later militarily as it became more powerful. Though losing favoritism of it when Napoleon becomes an emperor. The government partially adopts Secular Humanist policies and values in 1806. Four years later Secular Humanism becomes permanent religious policy, though the government keeps an emphasis on Humanism. Avoiding the prosecution of people for their religious belief, but rejecting religion in the government and schools, and instead encouraging humanist and scientific values over religious ones. The second constitution was adopted after WW1. Completely changing or refining many aspects, but generally keeping its Secular Humanist policy. By 2020 it would become an economically strong and stable country, while being one of the most liberal and environmentally aware.


The government in 1444 is run by representatives voted in by the literate people of the country. Typically being clergy, merchants, and male citizen taught by the clergy. The clergy would lose influence after the state religion changed to Protestant in 1534. The vote would be greatly extended by the influx of educated citizens with the creation of the first public schools in 1623. Making the influence of the clergy nearly nonexistent. The merchants weren’t as affected, as the number of educated men increased the amount of merchants overtime. The first constitution would be adopted by the Congressional Assembly in 1700. Empowering the citizens influence in the government, and simplifying the most important governmental regulations into one place. It would be amended in 1752 and 1789 to include the separation of powers and separation of church and state respectively. During 1789-1820, the government increasingly to an anti-clergy, pro-liberal stance. The rights of workers would become priority during the late 1800’s. The present structure of the republic would start with the adoption of the second constitution in 1919. Being a Unitary Constitutional Republic with the Congressional Assembly having Universal Suffrage and many other liberal ideals as a foundation of its structure, though keeping its Secular Humanist religious and educational policy.


The culture is split into four sub types for different regions. The culture group being Furvish and subtypes being, in order of importance and size, Farrian, Cemilan (Spanish influence), and Vilish (British influence).


  • Integrate Oitsil
  • Build University in Parin
  • Moral Duty
  • Adopt the Furvish Constitution
  • Gemph Naval Base
  • Form French-Furvish Trade Agreement
  • Form British-Furvish Trade Agreement


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