Fornication / Adultery Doctrine Split





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By default, CK3 religions treat people breaking their marriage vows the same way as people taking lovers before they were ever married in the first place. This works for, say, medieval Christianity, but it seemed inappropriate for various religious traditions that are actually in the game (not to mention the wacky matriarchal witch cults that you're all planning). So I made this mod to address that.


This mod makes the following changes:


-Adds religious doctrines governing whether fornication is accepted, shunned, or criminal for men or women. To maintain compatibility with modded custom religions and icons, these doctrines are added dynamically to every faith in the game on game start, and by default match the doctrines for adultery for each gender. 


I'm open to changing this setup for specific religions to make them different, just let me know which with some supporting evidence - I wasn't sure enough to set that up for religions I don't know much about.


-To implement this, it alters the various checks that deal with Adulterer and Fornicator (exposing secrets and affairs, blackmail, triggered opinions, disinheritance/denunciation and the AI logic for elective succession votes) to treat them differently. 


This appears to have been a really handy coding shortcut for Paradox, so there are a fair few of them, please let me know if I missed one!


Compatibility notes:


-Since faiths appear to be read from the game files at start, this will either require a new game or the use of the console (The command is "effect forn_split_seed_religions_effect = yes") to take effect.

-Obviously this mod is not compatible with achievements.

-This mod selectively overrides the following game database entries (format is original file: changed items):

Character Interactions:

00_dynast_interactions.txt: disinherit_interaction, denounce_interaction



90_minor_decisions.txt: commit_suicide


Scripted effects:

00_adultery_effects.txt: extramartial_sex_exposure_consequences_effect


Scripted triggers:

00_crime_triggers.txt: sexual_activity_with_partner_is_criminal_in_faith

00_secret_triggers.txt: secret_lover_is_shunned, secret_lover_is_criminal

00_religious_triggers.txt: trait_is_shunned_in_faith, trait_is_criminal_in_faith


Scripted modifiers:

00_elective_succession_scripted_modifiers.txt: elector_voting_pattern_traits_feudal_elective_modifier



common raits0_traits.txt: fornicator


Events (all these files are currently overwritten because the game does not support selective event overrides. This may cause compat issues with other mods that edit events in these files but can't currently be avoided):

court_eventscourt_events_general.txt: court.8170

activitieshold_court_activityhold_court_events_general.txt: hold_court.8161

decision_eventsminor_decision_events.txt: minor_decision.0003

dlcfp1fp1_jomsviking_events.txt: fp1_jomsvikings.0041

dlcfp2fp2_struggle_events.txt: fp2_struggle.1001 and related scripted trigger

scheme_eventsseduce_schemeseduce_scheme_outcome_events.txt: seduce_outcome.0003

yearly_eventscourt_yearly_events.txt: court_yearly.0110

yearly_eventsp1_yearly_jason.txt: bp1_yearly.0100, 0101


-This mod also changes the English localisation for the Adultery doctrine groups, and the Russian localisation (thanks to IlkaRus!).


It will not be compatible with anything that changes any of these items. 


-It should be compatible with mods that add doctrines, tenets, or faith icons.

-This mod uses selective overrides, so it should be compatible with anything that doesn't affect any of the above. 

-In particular, it is compatible with all my other CK3 mods. They will always remain separate, because I was a coder on the CK2+ dev team for four years and this has left me with a violent allergic reaction to the phrase "overhaul mod".


v15 - Released 2023-09-19

Updated for 1.10

v14 - Released 2023-07-03

update for

v13 - Released 2023-05-28

-Update for Patch 1.9 Lance

v12 - Released 2022-12-31

v11 - Released 2022-12-20

v10 - Released 2022-09-14

v9 - Released 2022-06-03

v8 - Released 2022-02-13

v7 - Released 2022-02-09

v6 - Released 2021-07-02

v5 - Released 2021-06-08

v4 - Released 2021-04-25

v3 - Released 2021-04-15

v2 - Released 2020-11-27


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