Culture Expanded (Official PDX)






Culture Expanded

is a map spanning project that aims to expand the culture variety, decisions, events, traditions and many other elements of culture in order to make for a more meaningful gameplay experience. We at the Expanded Mod Team always wanted to have a mod that dived deeper into the cultural aspects and regions of the game; We had increased them visually with Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded, but that wasn't enough to bring proper flavor to some, if not most. More so, to bring the proper historical presence of culture to some regions, in most cases, the lack of important cultural distinctions, we would need to fully dig deep into a cultural project. Thus the team embarked on a collaborative project that sought to increase the playability, historicity, and game balance of cultural regions across the map.

CE Features:
A large expansion of the available cultures across both 867 and 1066.
Diverse list of new decisions that rulers can take in order to unite their peoples, make historical titles, and much more.
Many new traditions adding flavor to some regions and cultural men at arms!
County culture and religious spread tweaked to better reflect the starting positions of both in each start date.
Changes to existing cultures to better reflect their cultural traditions.
Cooperation and compatibility (Work in Progress) with projects like RICE!
Expanded name lists for new and vanilla cultures (WIP)!
And much more to come in future updates!
Why is EPE required?
In order to allow for proper ethnicity templates to spawn and fit with EPE we need EPE as a requirement. There will be a non-EPE variant created in the near future.

Why doesn't "X" culture have the traditions I think they should have!
Our team is dedicated to doing proper research on all cultures and if things may seem amiss to you, respectfully provide feedback on our discord. We will not be listening to rants posted on comments.

So what does this mod do again?
It adds more cultures, traditions, decisions, and more to the game.

Is this mod achievement compatible?

Why isn’t “X” culture present on the map!?
This mod is a work in progress and everything is subject to change and improvement in the future.

Will you be improving things?!
Future updates will focus on each region of the map and add even more content to the game.

What is coming next for this mod?
Work in Progress screenshots and discussion of future content occurs on our discord. Please join the discord to follow the latest news and progress of the mod's content.
CE Compatibility:
What is the load order?
Other Mods
Other Expanded Series Mods
RICE (If used)
Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded
Culture Expanded
RICE + EPE Compatibility Patch
End of Mod List

Is this mod compatible with my old save?
It is not compatible with an existing vanilla save.

Is this mod compatible with "X" mod?
Compatibility is dependent on patches so if your favorite mod does not have a patch for our mod, someone will have to design one. Generally our mod is compatible with mods that do not alter the cultures or clothing groups. Below are some links to existing compatibility patches:

What mods are incompatible?
Mods that alter the culture spread of the map will be (soft) incompatible and require a compatibility patch if you want our changes to be the main ones. Mods like RICE will blend together with our mod. Other overhauls may work depending on which mod you load last.
CE Permissions Policy:
Can I use your work in my mod?
Permission to use code from our mod is prohibited unless under explicit/written agreement from our mod lead, Celticus. As this was a collaborative project I cannot give permission fully without the consent of others within the mod team. If you have interest in using the content you will need to join our discord and speak to our team directly.
CE Credits:
Lead Designer

Lead Designer





Byzantine Biscuit



Other Expanded Series Mods

Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded
Succession Expanded
Unit Packs Expanded

v1.9.2.1 - Released 2023-06-29
####################################### Culture Expanded Patch Notes - Lance ####################################### CCU Overhaul - CCU was reorganized into a new system of language and heritage classification over old CCU. Many thanks to LT-Rascek for helping us with creating this system. The system is also used in his mod, When the World Stopped Making Sense Eastern Germany Flavor: - Added develop decisions for Eastern Germany, including new cultures and culture shift events West Slav Flavor: - Added Nitravan culture - Added Moravian culture - Added decisions to Unite the Wends - Reworked the Polish formation decision - Kingdom of Poland gets unique loc depending on the culture that creates the de jure kingdom (for example, the Kingdom of Silesia, Kingdom of Lendia, etc) General Slavic: - Reworked traditions of slavic tribes Brythonic Flavor: - Added decision to restore the Kingdom of Hen Ogled Cultural Loc: - Unique loc added for many cultures in the game that explains their origins and heritages General Changes: - Modified Restore the Faith of Zoroaster so that only one holy site is needed instead of 30 counties - Professional Armies Tradition temporarily disabled due to rework - Alani culture now uses Steppe clothing to be in line with EPE - Swapped Konni Raids for Hill Dwellers for the Vlach culture - Changes to cultural parameters to be in line with 1.9 - Added Roman Pride Tradition to the Romaios culture (Present in both 867 & 1066), replacing Karabisianoi (867) & Maritime Mercantilism (1066) - Added landed Mandeans with new Mandaic culture in southern Mesopotamia - Coptic culture renamed to Copt - Khotanese culture added as a divergent culture of the Saka - Tokhari culture added as a remnant of the old Bactrian culture / Bactrian added as ancestor culture - Old Persian added as an ancestor culture - Byzantine Empire renamed to Eastern Roman Empire - Empire of Russia renamed to Kyivian Rus - Removed De Jure Empire of Tartaria and expanded Turan and Khazaria/Cumania (Empire of the Pontic Steppe) - Added the Empire of Transcaucasia in the Southern Caucasus region to assist with historical representation and gameplay balance concerns (prevent mass vassalization). De Jure but only formable via decision - Special Troops added to the Hauteville Normans to assist with their conquest of Southern Italy (nerfed in
v1.8.1 #2 - Released 2023-02-06
Sicilian Update 1.11 -added a new decision: Sicilian Flavor - Promulgate the Assizes of Ariano -added a new decision: Sicilian Flavor - Establish a new Currency System (Ducat) -added a new decision Sicilian Flavor - Muslim Resettlement
v1.8 #1 - Released 2022-12-04
CULTURE EXPANDED PATCH NOTES: Pannonian Update 1.1 -added a new formable kingdom title of balaton -added two new cultures; formable pannonian and pannonian romance -added a handful of flavour events for the area -fixed some illyrian bugs
v1.1 - Released 2022-09-09
v1.0.11 - Released 2022-07-14
v1.0.0.1 - Released 2022-07-02


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