The Once and Future King





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This mod aims to bring Arthurian legend to CK3. Tug on the strands of prophecy and assume the mantle of the Once and Future King. Become the true scion of King Arthur, and restore Brythonia!






- New Briton culture, with namelists inspired by Arthurian legend


- Playable Lord Arthur, of the Pendragon dynasty, in both 867 and 1066 start dates. He is located in the county of Ferlix in the Kingdom of Wales, and has Briton culture and Insular Christianity faith. Whether you are the true heir of King Arthur or not doesn't matter, it's whether you can make people believe it.


- Decision to become Once and Future King incarnate. The powers of prophecy and destiny beckon.


- Quest for the Holy Grail. Fulfilling a prophecy could take generations, might need to find some borrowed time. If immortality isn't your thing, the Grail can provide some nice benefits to your dynasty instead. No one but the pure of heart may find the Golden Grail!


- Quest for Excalibur. Journey to various locations associated with Arthurian legend. Claim the sword and claim Lloegyr.





Features in the Works:


- More Brythonic names for counties/duchies/etc. As many as I can manage.


- Quest to fulfill the Armes Prydein, the Prophecy of Britain. Where all Brythonic peoples - along with Scots, Irish, and the Vikings in Dublin - unite under the Once and Future King to drive the Anglo-Saxons from Albion forever. (Or Normans, Norwegians, or English, depending on your start date I suppose) - Decision to build a new Camelot, and round table.


- The return of Mordred. Mordred returns with proper apocalyptic aplomb. Intended to provide a nice mid-game challenge for when things start to get stale.





Youtube series:


- The wonderful SurrealBeliefs is doing a playthrough using this mod, which you can watch here:




Warning: This is my first attempt at modding anything ever, and it is still very early into development.



Developer thoughts:


When I first started working on this mod, I envisioned some noble using prophecy to legitimize his rule, with maybe some light supernatural touches. However as I began writing the events, they started getting crazier and more supernatural with each event I would write. It's simply more fun to write them that way. Unfortunately it will be difficult to maintain a plausible sense of deniability that supernatural forces are at work.


You will be aided by both Celtic pagan and Christian supernatural powers. Is it weird that they are both working to fulfill the prophecy? Maybe, but I don't think so. I tend to see them as two sides of the same Celtic soul. And while there's always good drama in an internal struggle, it didn't feel right for this mod.



Mod conflicts:


- This mod changes the de jure setup of the kingdom of Wales and England, so used with another mod that does the same may result in weirdness


- This mod currently adds traits using the ranges 898-905, using this mod with a mod that also uses those ranges will definitely result in weirdness



Special thanks: To Nope from Vampirism and Lycanthropy, and Karde from Princes of Darkness, for helping a newbie modder out when he didn't know what a namespace was.


v4 - Released 2020-10-26

v3 - Released 2020-10-25

v2 - Released 2020-10-20

initial upload


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