The Holy Grail War





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Summon your Servants and join in the Holy Grail War against other Masters, will you be the winner and claim the Holy Grail? [h1]Magecraft:[/h1] In the world of [i]fate[/i], there is a group of sorcerers and sorceresses who were referred to as magnus in the series. In this mod, there are 10 types of magnus traits, from the weakest to the strongest. Each character possessing one of the 10 magnus traits is considered as a magnus. These traits are genetic and in the same group, meaning that two parents with high level magnus traits have a higher chance of giving birth to a child also possessing a high level magnus trait. Upon starting a new game, every living character has a low chance to become a magnus, while characters with higher titles have higher chance of getting better traits.Player character will not start as a magnus (unless through character designer), but can become one through decision. Player also get the option to absorb imprisoned character's magnus traits, strengthening the player's own magnus trait, leaving the prisoner incapable. When player absorb a lvl 1 magnbus trait, 1 mana will be added to the player. If it's a lvl 3 trait, 3 mana will be added, etc. When reaching 10 mana, player's magnus trait will level up, before it reaches max lvl of 10. Player can also give the accumulated mana to others, this is helpful for making the heir a magnus. [h1]Servants:[/h1] As a magnus, the player can summon a Servant through decision for free, which in turn also makes the player a Master. A Master has 3 seals/swipes that can be used for various things. There are currently 76 Servants in this mod including some ones that can only be summoned by npcs, but can be recruited by player as explained later. There are several interactions with the Servants: [b]Ascend, Noble Phantasm, Command, Convert to Saint Quartz, restore Saint Graph ,or Change Costume. [/b] Player can ascend the Servants after reaching a certain opinion with the Servants, ascension changes the portrait as well as granting new powers to the Servants. [b]Noble Phantasm[/b] is a unique ability to each Servant, some example effects include: buffing regiments, poisoning your opponents, extreme development speed, assassinating your enemy's wives, etc. Using Noble Phantasm will cost 2 seals/swipes from the Master. The effect of NP for each Servant is briefly hinted at the end of the Servant's trait description. Player can command each Servant, consuming 1 seal/swipe, and getting a strong loyalty hook against the Servant. Convert to Saint Quartz: At a certain point you might think you no longer want a Servant's service, that would be a good time to turn him/her into some useful resources through this interaction. Servants are immortal and will likely live for a long period of time, so it's not surprising that Servants can be plagued with a billion diseases after a few generations. Restoring Servants' Saint Graph will heal most of those diseases at the expense of 1 seal/swipe. At max level ascension, the option to change Servants costume will be unlocked. At the cost of 50 gold, player can change a Servant's costume at any time, usually comes with a certain buff/debuff associated with the portrait. [h1]The Holy Grail War:[/h1] As a Master, your surrounding rulers and lords who has a negative opinion against you has a chance to become a Master as well. Enemy Masters also summon Servants (which can't be directly summoned by player) at the moment they become a Master, you may check whoever they summoned by going through their list of courtiers. Player may also declare war (Holy Grail War CB) against enemy Masters at any time and vice versa. Upon victory, you capture the enemy Master, who happens to be a magnus, and his/her Servant. You can choose to either claim your Holy Grail or take the Servant, doing either one will make the other option unavailable. After claiming the Holy Grail, player can make wishes to the Grail through decision. Wishes include summon servant, get resources, or become immortal. [h1]Notes:[/h1] [olist] [*]Player can use the "insult" option through interaction against any npc, doing do will guarantee the npc to become enemy master in a few days/weeks [*]Player can turn him/herself into Gudako/Gudao by right clicking themselves [*]Player can invite magnus to their courts much like inviting knights in decision [*]When the player character dies, all Servants die as well unless there is a magnus heir. [*]Killing enemy masters (i.e. murderer = player char) will also give player a Holy Grail. [*]Mod not compatible with other mods involving 2D portraits unless there's a dedicated patch. [*]Not compatible with mods that change knight/courtier behavior, change death behavior unless otherwise specified [/olist] [h1]Languages:[/h1] English Integrated 


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