New Miller Cylindrical Projection








What's new in this version compared to the old mod?

The old version still kept the overall map size of the vanilla game at 8192x4096. This resulted in a reduction in the size of the provinces in the game compared to the provinces in the vanilla game when using the MCP. In a nutshell, the units and buildings in the new MCP are not as crowded.


In addition, the old MCP did not use the terrain from the vanilla game, but drew it directly from GIS data, resulting in very unattractive terrain. The new MCP therefore uses the vanilla terrain distribution of parts of the game that already existed in the vanilla game (mapped to the corresponding locations in the MCP, of course), rather than mechanically translating GIS terrain into the game's terrain.


Finally, the new MCP makes the contrast of the elevation maps more visible, making the elevation changes in the game more realistic.




The Miller cylindrical projection is a projection more commonly used on maps. The purpose of this mod is to re-project the heavily distorted vanilla map filled with confusing projections and man-made distortions onto a standardized map supported by GIS (Geographic Information System) data.


The mod does not change the location and attribution of the provinces, only mapping them so that they appear exactly as they should in the MCP. The map modification does not add new provinces, which means it is compatible with many mods.Theoretically this mod can be used with other mods that do not involve too much map modification.


In addition, the mod has mapped out the coastline, rivers and terrain of East Asia and the region up to Papua Island, in order to provide material for other modders and to make room for the possible inclusion of East and Southeast Asia in the vanilla game. Places that may not have had an established regime in history during the time reflected in the game (e.g. northeastern Siberia, central Africa) have also been included in the map for map projection purposes.


This mod currently has no plans to add the regimes like Japan, Korea, China or Srivijaya directly to the map, but their locations have been mapped out. Anyone wishing to use this map as a source material can do so by specifying the source.


This mod is not Iron Man compatible because it changes the map data.


The content of the geodatabase is derived from NASA Earth Observations and Natural Earth.


Main features


  • The coastline, rivers, and terrain are redrawn based on GIS.
  • Areas that may be added to the vanilla game in the future are mapped in advance and can be used for mod development.
  • Carefully crafted paper maps that are as close to the vanilla game's paper maps as possible.

NOT MY MOD - Made by Tsukimi Sato Sea Fotis --- Mirror from Steam


vJune 22 Fix - Released 2021-07-12

if it didnt work before then it should work now since i fixed it i think idk


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