348 Subscribers
This mod made somewhat redundant by PDS' own fixes to Equal and Female Dominated and the mod Equality and AI Matrilineal Fix
I may still look into faith restrictions, but again, kinda redundant.
Modifies both can_be_warrior_trigger and can_be_commander_basic_trigger
This mod is made mostly for personal use and is inspired by mods like Simple Shieldmaidens
Currently this mod allows any female that meets the requirements to be a Knight/Champion and Commanders.
Germanic women circumvent the trait reqs, but cannot be craven. Let me know if this or anything else is not working.
Traits that prevent being recruited are Incapable and Pregnant.
I can't guarantee this mod will remain up-to-date
v3 - Released 2020-09-19
Modifies both can_be_warrior_trigger and can_be_commander_basic_trigger Male characters can once more die for their liege almost regardless of combat skill - Prowess >= 1 Added 'is_imprisoned = no' to general reqs Added NOT craven to Germanic women reqs Female Commanders
v2 - Released 2020-09-19
Crusader Kings III
Full game