Baltic Expansion





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Baltic Expansion v0.9 (ex. Baltic Tribes)


First of all I would like to apologise for not updating the mod frequently and due to the issues with Paradoxplaza and Steam mod upload system for CK3, I had to publish mods again and again.

I understand why I have issues on the back-end of the mod, but mostly it was my fault.



That's why this will be last time when I "create new mod" from the existing one to keep everything organised and in one library.

The existing mods:will be deleted in 10 days (12/31/2020) so only this one - the "real deal" - is available.


Now to the happy part.

I remade the mod so it can be compatible with the existing game version + did some changes. 

Besides that, I also have started to expand the mod and plan to add loads of content related to Baltic Crusade, the amount of work put into that will be enormous as I will have to create lots of characters just to be able to start at the specific date.


Release notes for v0.9:

  • Traits and the yearly Solstice event is fixed now and does appear yearly on 23rd of June (although it still has some issues with the 3rd option, spouse opinion doesn't change upon selecting 3rd option)
  • New duchies and counties
  • New fictional Dynasties, starting characters.
  • Specific custom made bookmark
  • Region specific localization (at the moment mod is available only in English)
  • Holy site Rugen has been removed and new holy site - Goliadj - added.

In the next update:

  • More localization changes
  • Some kind of new religious activity.
  • Works on next bookmark - Starting date 1165.1.1


If you have any suggestions/questions the just hit me up ;)

Discord: Jetta#9038



v9 - Released 2020-12-21

*Traits and the yearly Solstice event is fixed now and does appear yearly on 23rd of June (although it still has some issues with the 3rd option, spouse opinion doesn't change upon selecting 3rd option) *New duchies and counties *New fictional Dynasties, starting characters. *Specific custom made bookmark *Region specific localization (at the moment mod is available only in English) *Holy site Rugen has been removed and new holy site - Goliadj - added.


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