Maintabs Revised + Minor Titles [Patch]







Compatibility patch for Maintabs Revised and Minor Titles. Simply place this mod after both the other mods in your load order. I have tested most tasks and tabs with Emperors and vassalized/unvassalized Kings, but it should make the mods fully compatible. Both mods with this patch seem save compatible as well and may not be needed at all on a new game, see below.


To be clear, the two mods seem to work together for the most part without patching by placing MR higher in the load order than MT, but it breaks a number of Councillor tasks if you add them in an existing save at least, which is what this patch actually fixes by simply merging the council file for both mods. Also makes the load order of both mods irrelevant as far as I can tell, you just need this patch below them both. So this may just be a save-game compatch, more testing needed.


All credit goes to joedeneen (Maintabs Revised) and Anão Grande (Minor Titles) for their work, all I did was merged a file with WinMerge. I couldn't message them, but if they want this removed for any reason, message me on steam "Crusader Lord".


PS. I am a gamepass user, so cannot upload to Steam. All permissions given to do so to anyone with Steam version of the game.


v1.0.1 - Released 2021-09-15

Lowered filesize, no other changes


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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