Collaborative Religious and Cultural Reforms





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CK3 offers a number of gameplay goals besides map painting, which is great! But some of them require more map painting than makes complete sense for what they are trying to represent (to me, anyway), and that's where this mod comes in.


Basically, it changes pagan reformation, mending the Great Schism, and the Reclaim Britannia decision (that is, major decisions that are mainly religious and cultural rather than about pure state power) to not require ALL of the relevant territory goals to be inside a single realm - so you don't need to blob as much or be as obsessive about preventing realm splits. No more fratricidal wars over a third holy site that got parttioned away, or unnecessary invasions of Scotland!


To be slightly more specific:


[list]  [*]Pagan reformation now requires only two holy sites within your realm (1 if you are a King or above). However, at least 3 holy sites still need to be held by you or rulers of your faith that you are on good terms with (at least +60 opinion). Those additional rulers will also convert to your new faith.

  [*]Reclaim Britannia now requires that the whole Britannia region be held by Celtic realms who would otherwise qualify for the decision (ie, at most one of their powerful vassals isn't from one of the Celtic culture groups). However, you still need to be the largest such realm holding land in the region to actually take the decision and get the benefits, which have also been slightly altered.


(The culture-conversion speed boost is now applied to all non-Celtic counties in the region, rather than just the decision-taker's. However, the decision-taker's culture now also receives two random innovations, (one military and one civic), similar to other unification decisions.

  [*]Dismantle Papacy now requires that the whole Italy region be held by realms of a single religion that would otherwise qualify for the decision (ie, Hostile or above to Catholicism), none of which can have more than one Catholic powerful vassal. However, you still need to be the largest such realm holding land in the region to actually take the decision and get the benefits.

  [*]Mend the Great Schism now requires only one of the Petrine Sees to be within your realm. (you still need to be an Emperor). However, all 5 need to be held by you or rulers of your faith that you are on good terms with (at least +60 opinion).[/list]


(+60 may be too low a threshold and be worth revising, I welcome feedback on that and other aspects).


Compatibility notes:


-Obviously this mod is not compatible with achievements.

-This mod overrides the can_create_faith scripted rule, the reclaim_britannia and mend_great_schism decisions, and the reclaim_britannia_decision_effect scripted effect.


It will not be compatible with anything that affects any of these items or overwrites the vanilla files they came from. 


-This mod uses selective overrides, so it should be compatible with anything that doesn't affect any of the above. 

-In particular, it is compatible with all my other CK3 mods. They will always remain separate, because I was a coder on the CK2+ dev team for four years and this has left me with a violent allergic reaction to the phrase "overhaul mod".


v9 - Released 2023-05-28

v8 - Released 2022-12-19

v7 - Released 2022-11-03

v6 - Released 2022-09-13

v5 - Released 2022-06-03

v4 - Released 2022-02-09

v3 - Released 2021-06-09

v2 - Released 2021-06-09


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