Governments + 2021







The mechanics includes:

- Forming Legions

- Restoring the Praetorian Guard

- collapsing mechanics

- Economic Stability

- Grand Raids

- Caliphate Authority

- Zakah


The governments added are:

- Imperial Cult

- Bureaucratic

- Autocratic

- Latin

- Legionary

- Eranshar

- Nomadic

- City-State

- Caliphate

- Islamic

- Gupta


Bureaucratic, Autocratic mechanics:

- A senate mechanic for whoever either controls rome or byzantion

- 3 new law sets

- 3 competence levels that simulate the empire's collapse (see below for a guide)

- New vassal contracts

- New legion system and a "restore the praetorian guard" decision

- Centralization laws for vassals that affect your relation with the emperor and incorporates a couple decisions like "Claim Throne" if you are fully centralized

- Autocratic governments is for provinces that broke away from the empire. They can restore the empire if it's fully collapsed and acts as a mini-empire


Eranshar Mechanics:

- new "Eranshar Authority" law set

- New vassal contracts like Centralization and Religous and Cultural enforcement

- Eranshar Bureaucracy can be formed if you are Zoroastrian and become Sayonshant



- Nomadic Authority law set

- Grand Raid cb

- Nomadic Migrations cb

- A bunch of modifiers to better simulate nomadic realms/laws



- City-States have "Economic Stability" which is affected by long term net income and can be amazing for your realm or very detrimental

- City States also are limited to 1 county



- Select a preferred caliph to increase his authority and send him your zakah

- All new vassal contract with islamic taxes and levies, caliphate zakah rights to enforce where your vassal's zakah ends up, jizya obligations and dynastic autonomy

- ability to reform into a caliph

- succession and special contracts provided by Muslim Enhancements! go play their mod or I'm banning you



- Adding to the islamic government, caliphates get access to 2 new cbs: Claim the Caliphate for pretender caliphs and Jihad

- Caliphs gain access to caliphate authority which is tied to cbs and zakah and gives great modifiers

- Caliphs can dictate where exactly their subject's zakah goes


Gupta(has to be reformed):

- Gupta vassal contracts go from high levies and no taxes to high taxes and no levies

- Gupta Centralization replaces crown authority

- Gupta subjects care about your nobel blood and will dislike if you are of a lowborn descendant


I'm sure I missed something so if you notice something, please let me know :)




Each competence level can change by a bunch of variables and I'll list them here



-If you are an empire and have less than 3000 in numbers, you start losing competence depending on how much under 3000 you are

-Each legion gives 15 competence (You start with 1500)

-Your maa should be more than half of your levies/1000

the factor for the last one depends on if you reached the maa limit or not

-Allies are very helpful



-Counties with development higher than 20 are very helpful

-Counties with less than 5 development are detrimental

-Vassal Centralization is helpful and decentralization isn't (Vassals are more likely to centralize if they like you)

-Building 3 buildings or more in provinces is very useful

-Having control less than -10 is very bad



-County opinion higher than 70 is really really good

-County opinion lower than -10 would affect competence badly

-Allies are helpful

-Vassal opinion is very very important and will probably be the main cause for rise/decline. You need opinion above 60 to raise and opinion under -30 to lower



And for people who don't want to care about competence:

effect change_variable = { name = mil_comp add = 1000 }

effect change_variable = { name = civic_comp add = 1000 }

effect change_variable = { name = diplo_comp add = 1000 }



Even though I try to make this mod compatible, government mods will probably not work with this mod. Also, I added a few additions to some CB files to reduce nomad war cost so that might prove some mods incompatible


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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