Borrow Money From Merchants







Introducing the “Borrow Money from Merchants” mod! This is similar to the “Borrow Money from Jews” Event from CK2. It allows you to:


1. Borrow $300 gold from merchants for 5 years, as a Decision.


2. Within 5 years, you need to pay back $350 gold (loan + interest!) to the merchants, as a Decision.


3. If you don’t pay back the loan in time, a “Default on Loan” event will fire. You’ll get an immediate -100 prestige hit. Additionally, you’ll get a “Still owes money” trait. This trait gives you a -2 Stewardship hit, representing your ability to conduct financial activity in the realm is impaired, since everyone knows your debt is overdue. Bad things will tend to stress you out a bit more.


4. Paying back the loan will remove the negative “Still owes money” trait. You can then borrow money from merchants again if you wish.


Credits to Rayzin “Borrow from Jews” mod which inspired me to make this. However, his mod has “Expel Jews” mechanics and most importantly, applies bad stuffs as soon as you borrow the loan.


As a banker in real life, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with borrowing money. What’s wrong is not paying back your loan on time! Therefore in my mod, you only get punished after your loan is overdue. Hope you like it! Compatible with existing saved game, and mod can be activated/deactivated at any time.


v1.02 - Released 2020-09-11

Add .mod file.

v1.01 - Released 2020-09-11

Add .mod file.

v1.0 - Released 2020-09-11

Make the mod description more descriptive.


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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