






Create your own Primary Title on game start!

With Entitled, when designing your ruler, you can also create your custom realm.

Yes, even if the map has been modified.

Yes, even if it's from a Total Conversion mod.

You can technically use it in MP, but all players share the functionality, so it will be a mess if you don't coordinate to let each player take turns.


You can also now customize all Cultures and change their Ethos, their Martial custom, and their Traditions.

This feature requires the Royal Court DLC, and does not bypass the requirements necessary for adopting traditions.


Entitled is a Mostly Mechanical Mod. Join us on our discord ![discord.gg] to keep up with news, updates & teasers, or to submit bug reports!


What's with the colors on the map?


Yellow is in your title's De Jure, but not in your realm.

Blue is in your realm, but not in your title's De Jure.

Green is in your realm, and in your title's De Jure.

Dark Blue/Dark Green is a county in your domain.




The name Entitled has an intentional double meaning.


Of course it alludes to the fact that the mod enables creating your custom title.

But it is also a not-so-subtle commentary on those amongst CK3 players that act like entitled douches.


Most players are nice, supportive and appreciative of modders' efforts to bring something to the game we share a love for. But some players behave like they're somehow owed something.


To those that complain about a mod having bugs, or not being updated fast enough after a game patch, or not being updated at all for a long while, here is a friendly reminder:


We are not paid for what we do, nor are you paying to use it.

We mod on our own time, if and when we feel like it and have the time for it.

Sometimes life gets in the way, and you are not the boss of us.

"Update when?" and "Plz update" are not polite requests, they are injunctions to comply, and they can suck the life out of us.


If you feel targeted, next time, please do better.


If you don't, good for you! This mod was made for you, I hope you enjoy it!




This mod benefited from the invaluable help of the CK3 Mod Co-op.

All remaining bugs are our own.


World icons created by prettycons


v1.0.7 - Released 2023-06-14

v1.0.4 - New Feature: Faith Customization - Change Tenets and Doctrines of any faith - Culture Customization compatibility with Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment - De Jure capital now correctly set - Added a warning when choosing a capital county which will create a non-playable Theocratic ruler v1.0.6 - New Features: Convert Faith & Convert Culture - New options to better control De Jure and Liege of custom titles - Added an Outliner to pin a Ruler / Title / Faith / Culture - Added a Search Faith function, to be able to customize and convert to dead faiths - Changed some icons, added some tooltips. So many damn tooltips. v1.0.7 - Fixed Convert Culture now working on Counties - Added a Search Culture function, to be able to customize and convert to dead cultures


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