Better House Guard







Steam mod


Tired of the useless House Guards that you spent 15000 renown to get to? Tired of them reusing the same generic artwork and gameplay from regular heavy infantry? Then this mod is for you!


Makes them much better for being hard capped to a single regiment as well as give them a new artwork and icon to differentiate them from regular ol heavy infantry.


Stats are as follows:


House Guard : 110 damage | 100 toughness | 30 screen | 500 total units | 1200 gold


House Knights : 180 damage | 125 toughness | 30 pursuit | 50 screen | 250 total units | 1800 gold


House Arquebusiers : 210 damage | 30 toughness | 15 pursuit | 10 screen | 500 total units | 1200 gold


They cost an exorbitant amount of gold so only rich dynasty members can afford them.However they are free in upkeep like in vanilla.


Now they counter a lot of enemy types and have higher counter values.


I have also updated the warfare tree so it becomes more useful as a whole and hopefully make Temujin and co. more scary.


This was an exercise on creating new icons on my part so I decided to start with this mod.


Artwork credit goes to paooo on deviantart, S. Massenburg and AC brotherhood concept art.

Icon made by me so might be a little fugly.


Not achievement compatible since it obviously edits gameplay mechanics.


Hope you enjoy it.


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