Nonprocreative Practices - Decision to lower Fertility





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A simple mod meant to give a flavorful and balanced way to lower the chance of unwanted offspring without hindering seduction-based gameplay (like with Restraint). This is accomplised via a reversible Decision, enabled either through a new Perk in Seduction tree or Carnal Exaltation Tenet. Take note, that the character's Fertility is only significantly lowered, but it can still get counterbalanced by other modifiers. Accidents do happen...






- Some backstage fixes.


- Now also modifies two events having to do with adultery (to be expanded). Keep in mind for compatibility reasons.





- Added a perk in Seduction tree of Intrigue Lifestyle "Prudent Lover", which enables the decisions Nonprocreative Practices and Resume Procreative Practices.


- The Carnal Exaltation religious tenet now also enables these decisions. - The decision, once take, adds a modifier to the character, drastically reducing their Fertility. The other decision allows you to remove the modifier.




Options for future (TO-DO):


- Add chance of Deviant trait/secret when Deviancy is Criminal?


- Ensure that AI can handle it properly?


- An option to ask AI Spouses, Concubines/Consorts, Lovers and Soulmates to add or remove Nonprocreative Practice?


- A checkbox for Nonprocreative Practices to exclude Spouse(s)/Concubines/Consorts?




Known Issues:


- The new perk icon is glitched. This is purely a graphical thing; not yet sure how to fix it in an elegant way.


- The description for Carnal Exaltation spells out that it enables new decisions, but the formatting is not quite right. (At the moment, as far as I know, to modify tenets you have to replace the entire file, which could lead to compatibility issues. So I decided not to do it.)


Any suggestions on how to solve these (or in general) are welcome.


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