Warden Vassal Contract





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Adds a new special vassal contract, Warden, that obligates vassals to join their liege in both internal and external defensive wars.


A vassal subject to a Warden Contract is afforded many privileges in times of peace, but when the realm is under threat by heathens waging holy wars, foreign conquerors claiming the realm's territories, or even looming internal civil wars, a warden is expected to answer the call.


Warden (Required innovation: Burhs):

While subject to a Warden Contract, the vassal will provide 50% less tax and levies, but will be obligated to protect their liege in both internal and external defensive wars, contributing the entirety of their Levies, Men-at-Arms, Mercenaries, and Knights to defend the realm.


Vassals under a Warden Contract can be called to war as an ally through a new character interaction under the diplomacy section or through the suggestions and alerts menu.


Wardens will only join defensive wars and will also gain a fellow vassal opinion bonus for helping to protect the realm, while the liege gets an opinion malus with vassals for giving extensive privileges to a warden.


The liege is also not obligated to join their vassal's wars, so the warden has to protect you, but you don't have to protect them. It's like a one-sided alliance.


This mod should be compatible with anything. It will also be updated when needed.




Adds a new special vassal contract, Guardian, which forces vassals to join their lord in both internal and external defensive wars.


A vassal subject to a guardian contract has many privileges in times of peace, but when the kingdom is threatened by pagans waging holy wars, foreign conquerors laying claim to the kingdom's territories, or even impending internal civil wars, a guardian is expected answer the questions. call.


Warden (Innovation required: Burhs):

While subject to a guardian contract, the vassal will provide 50% less taxes and levies, but will be obliged to protect his lord in defensive wars both internal and external, contributing all of his levies, men-at-arms, mercenaries and Knights to defend the kingdom.


Vassals under a guardian contract can be called to war as allies through a new character interaction in the diplomacy section or through the hints and alerts menu.


Guardians will only join defensive wars and will also gain a vassal opinion bonus for helping protect the kingdom, while the lord gains a malus opinion with vassals for granting broad privileges to a guardian.


The lord is also not required to join his vassals' wars, so the keeper has to protect you, but you don't have to protect them. It's like a unilateral alliance.


This mod should be compatible with anything. It will also be updated when necessary.


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